导读:Supreme 18TC是一种单组份环氧胶黏剂,含有特殊的导电导热混合填料。该产品传热能力优秀,并通过NASA低放气试验,可用于航空航天、电子、光学应用、低温等行业。能够很好的粘接像金属,复合材料,陶瓷塑料等各种基材。即使暴露于恶劣的环境条件下,Supreme 18TC都能保持很高强度和性能。
关于Master bond公司:
Master Bond Supreme 18TC is a single component epoxy adhesive that contains a blend of special thermally conductive fillers. This smooth paste system can be applied in bond lines as thin as 10-15 microns. It offers an exceptionally low thermal resistance of 5-7 x 10-6 K•m2/W and a thermal conductivity of 22-25 BTU•in/ft2•hr•°F [3.17-3.61 W/(m·K)]. Heat transfer capabilities of this product are outstanding. Supreme 18TC also passes NASA low outgassing tests and can be used in applications in the aerospace, electronics, optical, specialty OEM and cryogenic industries.
Supreme 18TC maintains high bond strength properties even when exposed to hostile environmental conditions, including high/low temperatures. It bonds well to a wide variety of substrates including metals, composites, ceramics and plastics. This compound offers a tensile lap shear strength of 2,200-2,400 psi, a tensile strength of 6,000-7,000 psi, a t-peel strength of 5-10 pli and a compressive strength of 22,000-24,000 psi.
Significantly, Supreme 18TC is a one part system that requires no mixing. Its working life is essentially “unlimited”. It requires heat curing for 60-90 minutes at 250-300°F. A post cure of a few hours at 350°F will optimize performance properties. Supreme 18TC features a low shrinkage upon curing, a low CTE and a high degree of dimensional stability. This system is also a reliable electrical insulator.
Supreme 18TC is designed to withstand thermal cycling and shock. It is serviceable over the wide temperature range of 4K to +400°F. This formulation is available for use in a variety of standard packaging options in sizes ranging from ounces to gallons.
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