Master Bond formulates EP13SPND-2 primarily for high performance structural bonding applications. Master Bond EP13SPND-2 is a one part, high temperature resistant epoxy for the aerospace and specialty OEM industries. As a single component system, this product is easy to handle and does not require mixing prior to use. It also has an unlimited working life at room temperature. EP13SPND-2 has a paste consistency for non-drip application and it will not flow when curing.
Featuring an impressive strength profile, EP13SPND-2 offers tensile lap shear strength, compressive strength and tensile modulus of over 3,000 psi, 18,000 psi and 500,000-550,000 psi, respectively. This dimensionally stable epoxy bonds well to many substrates including metals, glass, ceramics, composites, rubbers and most plastics. Typical cured bond line thickness is 0.002-0.008 inches.
EP13SPND-2 is a competent electrical insulator and features a volume resistivity exceeding 1014 ohm-cm. It resists a variety of chemicals such as fuels, oils, acids, bases and many solvents. This system is serviceable over the wide temperature range of -60°F to +500°F and is available for use in pints, quarts, gallons and 5 gallon containers.
About Master Bond
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