Master Bond Unveils MasterSil 912Med, a One-part Silicone for Bonding Applications
Master Bond formulates MasterSil 912Med for medical device applications. MasterSil 912Med is a room temperature vulcanizing silicone system for high performance bonding, sealing and coating. This system meets both USP biocompatibility and ISO cytotoxicity standards and resists a variety of sterilization techniques such as gamma radiation, EtO and some types of liquid sterilants.
Fig. 1: MasterSil 912Med |
MasterSil 912Med, one part system has a paste viscosity and non-corrosive cure with a tack-free time of 15-30 minutes at room temperature. Similar to other single component silicones, MasterSil 912Med’s cures depended upon the humidity level. The higher the humidity, the faster the cure and thinner sections cure more quickly than thicker ones. It is translucent in color and is serviceable over the wide temperature range of -75°F to +400°F.MasterSil 912Med has a tensile strength of 700-1,100 psi and offers superior adhesion to many materials, including metals, composites, ceramics, glass, rubbers, plastics and other silicone substrates. Featuring an elongation of 250-350%, this flexible system can withstand highly rigorous thermal cycling as well as thermal and mechanical shock. It is a reliable electrical insulator with a volume resistivity of >1015 ohm-cm. MasterSil 912Med is available in 80 gram tubes and has a shelf life of 6 months.
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