



德国汉高任命Hans Van Bylen接替Kasper Rorsted担任首席执行官



  汉高集团于北京时间2016年1月18日宣布Kasper Rorsted已经辞职,并将于4月30日离职。集团已经任命美容护理业务主管Hans Van Bylen 为接班人,2016年5月1日正式上任。Hans Van Bylen 自1984年以来一直效力汉高,2005年成为汉高管理委员会成员,主管美容护理业务。

德国汉高任命Hans Van Bylen接替Kasper Rorsted担任首席执行官

Hans Van Bylen

  53岁的Kasper Rorsted自2008年一直担任德国日化巨头汉高集团首席执行官,并在汉高管理委员会11年。Kasper Rorsted 曾通过重组成功为汉高大幅削减成本,而且他复兴北美业务有功。在他的领导下,汉高年收入在8年间累计增长超过1/3,营业利润率提升至历史新高, 股价上升超过2倍。Kasper Rorsted 会在8月1日加入阿迪达斯集团董事会, 10月1日正式接过帅位,接棒阿迪现任CEOHerbert Hainer。

德国汉高任命Hans Van Bylen接替Kasper Rorsted担任首席执行官

Kasper Rorsted

  Hans Van Bylen 1984年加入汉高公司,他在汉高公司31年的职业生涯接手过汉高两大业务——洗衣与家庭美容护理。从比利时开始,其业务范围跨越比荷卢经济联盟、法国、西欧、中东非洲,北美、亚太地区、拉丁美洲等地区,2005年成为汉高管理委员会的一员并负责美容护理业务。接任CEO一职后,Hans Van Bylen将接手公司年底即将发布的新的发展战略。

  汉高公司监事会与股东委员会会长白舒曼女士(Dr. Simone Bagel-Trah)表示,Hans Van Bylen在管理国际品牌与市场以及担任管理委员会成员方面拥有着丰富的经验。

  Hans Van Bylen美容护理业务执行副总裁职位的接任人将在适当时候公布。

  Hans Van Bylen 更多信息请点击:Hans Van Bylen 简历


  Henkel has announced today that CEO Kasper Rorsted, who has decided not to renew his current contract beyond 2017, will leave the company at his own request as of April 30, 2016. He served on the Henkel Management Board for 11 years, thereof 8 years as CEO. Effective May 1, 2016, Hans Van Bylen has been appointed as his successor. His successful career at Henkel started in 1984 and he serves as member of the Management Board since 2005, responsible for the Beauty Care business. The appointment to CEO already in spring will enable him to leading the development of the new strategy which Henkel will announce at the end of this year and driving its successful execution.

  “With the appointment of Hans Van Bylen as new CEO we have named a strong successor to the CEO position at an early time – as it is common practice at Henkel. Hans Van Bylen is an excellent choice as he has long-standing, international experience in managing brands and markets as well as a Management Board member at Henkel. On behalf of our governance committees and employees I wish Hans Van Bylen all the best and much success in his new role“, said Dr. Simone Bagel-Trah, Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board and the Shareholders’ Committee.

  The successor of Hans Van Bylen as Executive Vice President Beauty Care will be announced in due course.

  “I am honored by the confidence which is expressed through this appointment. I am looking forward to shape the future of our company together with my colleagues at the Management Board and an excellent global team. We have strong brands and technologies, leading positions in many markets and categories around the world and a strong innovation power. Building on this foundation, together, we will successfully lead Henkel into the future“, said Hans Van Bylen.

  Successful company performance under Kasper Rorsted´s leadership

  “Kasper Rorsted has achieved a lot for Henkel. Under his leadership since 2008, the company has delivered a successful performance in a challenging market environment. Sales and profitability increased significantly and our top brands have been strengthened. This is also reflected in a significantly increased market capitalization which has been more than tripled since Kasper Rorsted took the helm. I would like to sincerely thank Kasper Rorsted on behalf of all governance committees, employees and shareholders of Henkel“, Dr. Simone Bagel-Trah further said.

  Kasper Rorsted (53) joined Henkel as member of the Management Board in 2005. He was appointed as Deputy Chairman of the Management Board in 2007 and has been appointed CEO following the 2008 Annual General Meeting.

  “I would like to thank all colleagues at Henkel for their commitment and dedication as well as the governance committees for their advice and support over the past years. Together, we have delivered an excellent performance for our company”, said Kasper Rorsted. “I am convinced that Henkel will continue to excel under the leadership of Hans Van Bylen as CEO.”

  About Hans Van Bylen

  Hans Van Bylen (54) joined Henkel in 1984. His successful career at the company has spanned 31 years of management positions with broad geographical scope in two of Henkel´s business units, Laundry & Home Care and Beauty Care. He started in Belgium, his responsibilities expanded to Benelux and then on to France, Western Europe, Middle East Africa, North America, Asia Pacific and Latin America. Since 2005, Hans Van Bylen is member of the Management Board, responsible for the Beauty Care business.

  He was born in Berchem/Belgium in 1961. He is married with three children. He is a graduate of the University of Antwerp, with both a degree in business management and an MBA.

  To find a detailed CV:




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