










  在作出这一决定之前,阿克苏诺贝尔已确定拒绝PPG工业集团的收购要约,这是一份就阿克苏诺贝尔股本下已发行普通股做出的单方面的、非约束性、有条件的收购要约, 大大低估了阿克苏诺贝尔的价值,并且不利于公司股东,客户和员工等相关者的利益。

  阿克苏诺贝尔首席执行官唐博纳(Ton Büchner)表示:

  “我们的专业化学品业务在许多细分市场保持领先地位,公司对这块业务所创造的历史和成绩, 以及为我们的员工深感自豪。我们正在审议将其拆分的战略选择,从而让我们更加专注于专业化学品业务、装饰漆业务和高性能涂料业务,进一步巩固它们在各自市场的领导地位。


  因为近期发生的事件, 这一决定被我们提上议程。 PPG提供的单方面收购要约,大大低估了阿克苏诺贝尔的价值,并蕴含重大的风险和不确定性。其收购方案不利于包括阿克苏诺贝尔股东、客户和员工在内所有相关方之利益,因而我们一致决定拒绝这一要约。 公司的董事会,高层团队和成千上万的员工和我一样,坚信阿克苏诺贝尔公司的潜力是无限的,有待我们自己去发掘。

  我们坚守公司对社会的承诺,并将继续在全球不同市场推动投资、进行研发创新, 推进可持续发展。”

  阿克苏诺贝尔公司确认,PPG工业集团对阿克苏诺贝尔的全面股本公开做出了事先未经商议,非约束性且有前提条件的收购要约,收购阿克苏诺贝尔每股对价为现金54.00欧元外加0.3股PPG工业股票 (相当于2017年2月28日每股价格为83.00欧元,含2016年股息)。


  董事会、监事会一致认为,PPG的收购建议大幅低估了阿克苏诺贝尔公司的价值,未能反映出公司的长期增长和创造价值的潜力。董事会、监事会还得出结论,该要约的股权部分存有包括拟定组合的高杠杆风险的重大问题。他们还认为,该要约将给股东带来重大可实现性以及时间方面的风险,具体包括反垄断,退休金计划, 以及拟定整合方案的可实现性等风险。

  阿克苏诺贝尔的董事会、监事会同时认为:该收购要约不利于公司客户和员工等相关方, 并将对阿克苏诺贝尔在社会经济方面的努力带来不利影响,其中包括影响 公司对全球长期以来对社区和研发做出的重大贡献,和对可持续发展的长期承诺。该要约不符合阿克苏诺贝尔员工的利益,并将给全球数千个工作岗位带来潜在的不确定性。

  最后, 在此问题上,阿克苏诺贝尔没有与PPG进行任何对话,也没有提议、或接受任何对话。

  此公告是阿克苏诺贝尔公司根据“欧洲市场滥用法”(596/2014)第17节第1段发布的公告。 本公告并不构成阿克苏诺贝尔公司就购买或认购任何证券而发出的要约或任何要约邀请。


AkzoNobel reviewing strategic options to separate Specialty Chemicals

AkzoNobel rejects an unsolicited indicative proposal from PPG

  AkzoNobel, one of the world’s leadingpaints, coatings and chemicals companies announces todaya review of strategic options for the separation of its Specialty Chemicals business.

  The Specialty Chemicals business, which had revenues of €4.8 billion in 2016, is stronglypositioned with a broad portfolio of leading technologies and chemicals which service a wide rangeof end-user segments including construction, industrial and consumer goods. The separation willallow the Specialty Chemicals business to continue to build and accelerate its market-leadingpositions across a range of market segments.

  As part of the separation, AkzoNobel will consider various alternative ownership structures for theSpecialty Chemicals business including, but not limited to, the establishment of an independentlisted entity. The ultimate structure will be determined by reference to shareholder valuemaximization as well as broader stakeholder considerations.

  Today’s decision was brought forward following confirmation that AkzoNobel has rejected anunsolicited, non-binding and conditional proposal from PPG Industries Inc. for all of the issued andoutstanding ordinary shares in the capital of AkzoNobel. PPG’s proposal substantially undervaluesAkzoNobel and is not in the interest of its stakeholders, including its shareholders, customers andemployees.

  Ton Büchner, CEO, AkzoNobel:

  “Our Specialty Chemicals business is an industry leader in many of the markets in which itoperates and we are extremely proud of its heritage, performance and people. We are reviewingstrategic options to separate it from the company to create focus for both Specialty Chemicals andthe Decorative Paints and Performance Coatings group, allowing them to build further on theirrespective leadership positions.

  “As stated at our full-year results announcement in February, we are now a leaner, more agilecompany with a solid financial and operational foundation and a focus on growth. AkzoNobel hasenjoyed a record performance in recent years in terms of profitability and has made significantstrategic progress, allowing us to take this decision.

  “Our decision today was brought forward due to recent events. The unsolicited proposal wereceived from PPG substantially undervalues our company and contains serious risks anduncertainties. The proposal is not in the interest of AkzoNobel’s stakeholders, including itsshareholders, customers and employees, and we have unanimously rejected it. Along with mycolleagues on our Boards, our executive team and our thousands of employees, I firmly believethat AkzoNobel is best placed to unlock the value within our company ourselves.

  “We understand our role in society and want to protect our ability to continue to invest incommunities, research and development, innovation and sustainability in the countries in which weoperate.”

  AkzoNobel confirms it received an unsolicited, non-binding and conditional proposal from PPG fora public offer on all of the issued and outstanding ordinary shares in the capital of AkzoNobel at aprice of €54.00 in cash and 0.3 PPG shares per AkzoNobel share, corresponding to a value of€83.00 per share as per 28 February, 2017 (cum final dividend 2016).

  The Board of Management and Supervisory Board of AkzoNobel have carefully reviewed andconsidered the proposal by PPG, together with their financial and legal advisors. In doing so, theBoards have taken into account the long-term interests of all AkzoNobel stakeholders, including theshareholders.

  The Boards have unanimously concluded that the PPG proposal substantially undervaluesAkzoNobel by failing to reflect the long-term value creation potential of the company. The Boardshave also concluded that the equity component of the proposal has significant issues, including thehigh leverage of the proposed combination. They also believe the proposal carries significantdelivery and timing risk for shareholders, both in relation to substantial anti-trust issues, pensionschemes and the achievability of proposed synergies.

  The Board of Management and the Supervisory Board of AkzoNobel also believe the proposal isnot in the interest of stakeholders including its customers and employees. The proposal would bedetrimental to the societies and economies in which AkzoNobel operates, including potentiallyjeopardizing the company’s major contribution to communities and research & developmentorganizations globally and its deep commitment to sustainability. The proposal is not in theinterests of AkzoNobel employees and would create potential uncertainty for thousands of jobsworldwide.

  AkzoNobel did not initiate nor has it encouraged or entertained any conversations with PPG on thismatter.

  This is a public announcement by AkzoNobel N.V. pursuant to section 17 paragraph 1 of theEuropean Market Abuse Regulation (596/2014). This public announcement does not constitute anoffer, or any solicitation of any offer, to buy or subscribe for any securities in AkzoNobel N.V.



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