




来源:special chem2016年05月04日


  近日, H.B. Fuller公司宣布,其创造机遇,为厂家和消费者推出全新且特有的伸缩性胶粘剂。这款胶粘剂使得可伸缩材料作为理想材料,适用于一次性内衣上成为可能。

  ST. PAUL, Minn. -- H.B. Fuller Company (NYSE:FUL) announced that it has opened up new opportunities for manufacturers and consumers with the launch of a new, unique stretchable adhesive. With innovation for comfort, combined with production benefits, ConformaTM adhesive makes possible new stretch materials that are an ideal fit for disposable underwear.

  According to studies published by the National Association for Continence, stress urinary incontinence is the most common form of incontinence among women. In the US, the condition reportedly affects 15 million adult women. The International Continence Society indicates that the median age of women with pure stress incontinence stands at around 47-48 years, typically explained by the fact that it is often linked to childbirth, among other causes.

  Alongside these trends, there is an increasing acceptance of the valuable role incontinence products now play in the lives of many active adults and a corresponding rise in pressure for products that offer exceptional comfort and fit, as well as great performance. As such, the development of adhesives, and their role in the transformation of hygiene products, cannot be underestimated.

  Conforma helps create disposable undergarments that stretch with ease, supporting ease of movement for all ages. It delivers a better, more comfortable fit, which performs without tightness, conforming to individuals of all shapes and sizes. Gathered material and associated bulk can be minimized to create more discreet products, so adults can wear more underwear-like products and caretakers of babies and young children can access more stylish products.

  Importantly, as Conforma can be used to create a conformable fabric, which is a soft, ultrathin and breathable alternative to the film-based laminate or elastic stranded panel, it helps create disposable undergarments that look and feel like cotton underwear.

  Plus, Conforma is the right fit for manufacturers. It opens up new design possibilities by removing the constraints of the traditional stretch engines, creating an opportunity for an all-over stretchable product. It stretches further, so sizing can be simplified, reducing production line complexity. Also, it removes the number one cause of downtime in the production of stretchable material reliant on elastic strands and reduces the cost of waste from elastic strand breakage.

  Nathan Weaver, vice president, Hygiene, H.B. Fuller, comments, “Understanding the market trends driving our customers’ current and future needs inspires us to develop high-performance adhesives. Conforma adhesive is an example of how H.B. Fuller is driving innovation for the Hygiene market in key application areas like stretch. Conformable fabric created from Conforma adhesive becomes an attractive choice, as disposable articles evolve into the soft, stretchable, truly comfortable, engineered products of the future.”

  Conforma offers exceptional comfort, performance and cost-effectiveness and is the right fit for today’s hygiene market.

  ConformaTM is a trademark of H.B. Fuller Company.



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