H.B. Fuller to Unveil its Innovative Adhesives for Personal Care at ANEX/SINCE 2015
SHANGHAI, China -- H.B. Fuller (NYSE:FUL) will introduce its award-winning, innovative adhesives for nonwoven personal care and hygiene products, made for the Asia Pacific markets at ANEX/SINCE 2015.H.B. Fuller has a global track record of recognizing trends and developing adhesive solutions to address industry challenges and changing market needs. Over 30 years of close collaboration with hygiene manufacturers has culminated in H.B. Fullers comprehensive Full-Care family of adhesives that provide robust solutions for customers. Robust in terms of adhesive performance. Robust in terms of supply flexibility. Robust in terms of technical support, delivered through generating a close technical collaboration. Robust Full-Care adhesive solutions offer the functional benefit of potentially helping to lower in-use cost.At ANEX/SINCE 2015, Hall 1/L40, H.B. Fuller will be connecting with attendees and showcasing its award-winning solution, CHM-1088ZP - one of the latest examples of how the company tailors product and process innovations to meet customers critical needs for high-performance diapers in the Asia Pacific region. As one of the highest performance core adhesives sold in China, its high wet strength contributes to core integrity and enhanced core performance in diapers. Plus, its water white color and very low odor are desirable features in premium diapers. This core adhesive was recognized by EDANA as the first-ever winner of the OUTLOOK Asia Award.Attendees also are invited to join H.B. Fullers technical experts who will present, "How Adhesives Enable Hygiene Product Development," on May 13, 2015, at 10:35 a.m. The presentation will cover the vital role adhesives play in enabling thinner cores and low odor products. It also will discuss how adhesives can help improve production efficiency and sustainability.
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