Master Bond新推多功能环氧树脂Supreme 3HTND-2CCM。它非常适合用于芯片涂层,顶部封装和芯片连接以及粘接、密封和封装。由于是单组份体系,所以它使用前不需要混合,室温存储性能很好。该环氧树脂还通过NASA低放气试验,可用于真空、航空航天和无尘车间。
Formulated for many electronic applications, Master Bond Supreme 3HTND-2CCM is a multifunctional epoxy that is well suited for chip coating, glob top and die attach applications as well as for bonding, sealing and encapsulation. Since it is a one part system, it does not require mixing and has an “unlimited” working life at room temperature. This epoxy passes NASA low outgassing tests which allow it to be used in vacuum, aerospace and clean room applications.
Supreme 3HTND-2CCM has a paste consistency that flows slightly while curing. It cures readily at elevated temperatures. The minimum curing schedule is 20-30 minutes at 250°F or 5-10 minutes at 300°F. This is a filled system with low shrinkage upon curing and sound dimensional stability. It bonds well to a wide variety of substrates used in electronics including metals, composites, ceramics and many plastics. This high strength system delivers tensile lap shear, tensile and compressive strength of 1,800-2,000 psi, 6,000-7,500 psi and 15,000-17,000 psi, respectively.
This electrically insulative compound features a thermal conductivity of 10-11 BTU•in/ft2•hr•°F [1.44-1.59 W/(m·K)]. Supreme 3HTND-2CCM resists many chemicals, such as water, acids, bases, fuels and some solvents. Its inherent toughness allows it to withstand aggressive thermal cycling.
Supreme 3HTND-2CCM is serviceable over the wide temperature range of -100°F to +400°F. This epoxy has a black color and is available for use in syringe, pint, quart and gallon containers.
关于Master Bond:
Master Bond公司成立于1976年,位于美国新泽西州,是一家专业胶粘剂和密封及涂料化工产品供应商,拥有3000多种高性能胶粘剂、密封剂、胶衣等产品。主营环氧树脂,有机硅,聚氨酯,聚硫化物,紫外线固化和其他特种胶粘剂体系。,
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