Sika has opened a mortar plant with additional production facilities for concrete admixtures and liquid applied membranes to become fully operational in 2015. The plant significantly enlarges Sika’s production and service capacity in Paraguay. It will supply the market with the full range of Sika mortar products and concrete admixtures as well as liquid applied membranes for roofing and facade solutions.
A differentiating factor in the market will be the new concrete lab for product developments and services to customers: it is the first of its kind in Paraguay’s construction chemicals sector and will allow Sika to strengthen its customer focus by providing tailored solution for their specific requirements in the local market.
The new plant represents a major step in accelerating the growth and strengthening the company’s market position in Paraguay. In 2013, Sika had entered the market by acquiring the industry leader Inatec SRL with subsequent operational expansion and broadening of Sika’s local product portfolio. Economic growth in Paraguay is expected to reach4.5% in 2015. With the expansion of its production and service capacity, Sika Paraguay is well positioned to benefit from the increasing construction activitiesin both the residential and infrastructure sectors.
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