For the first time, DRT participated to the European Coatings Show plus Adhesives, Sealants and Construction chemicals and introduced its range of tackifying resins. These biosourced resins are used in numerous applications such as adhesives (for packaging, tapes, labels, construction…) but also in coatings and road marking. With almost a hundred references, DRT products provide a sustainable alternative to fossil based resins.
DRT also launched at the European Coatings Show its new innovation: Crystazene 110. Entering in various applications, this modified terpene resin is totally waterwhite and has a great thermal stability. Its adhesive performances are excellent in combination with numerous polymers.
Specialist of the valorization of rosin and turpentine extracted from pine resin, DRT supplies more than twenty industrial sectors. If DRT distinguishes itself with bio sourced products, the company is also known for its eco-responsible approach. Environmentally friendly, ethical, innovative: these are the distinctive features at the roots of the company.
About DRT
DRT is specialized in the development of rosin and turpentine extracted from pine resin. As a French family-owned company, DRT employs 1,000 people and boasts sales of ?00 million. Over 80% of sales are generated in international markets. DRT has sales offices and numerous industrial sites across the globe, including four factories in France, one in China and three in India through a joint venture. DRT mainly supplies the perfume, adhesive, rubber, ink and food supplement markets.
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