Air Products introduces the latest additions to its innovative portfolio of defoamers—Airase 4750V and 4800 defoamers—at the Eastern Coatings Show in Atlantic City, N.J., from June 1-4.
Air Products’ Airase 4750V and 4800 oil-based defoamers are effective foam control additives for use in a wide variety of applications, including architectural and industrial coatings, inks, and adhesives. Airase 4750V is a proprietary vegetable oil-based defoamer, whereas Airase 4800 is a 100% active, mineral oil-based defoamer. Both defoamers are designed for excellent film compatibility with sustained, long-term defoaming performance and are currently available in North America.
“With the launch of these new Airase defoamers, we continue to expand our defoamer offering so that we are able to offer formulators a wide variety of options to address their foam control needs,” said Chris Henkee, global marketing manager, Additives, for Air Products. “With defoamers based on mineral oils, organic oils, siloxanes, and Air Products’ own unique Gemini molecules, we are able to offer the formulator a means to quickly optimize formulation performance, minimize reformulation time and effort, keep formulation costs under control, or simply use products with specific qualities that can limit certain environmental effects.”
Air Products is also highlighting its portfolio of Dynol&tarde; superwetting surfactants, which provide
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