Dow Corning Unveils EA-4600 HM RTV, a Black UV Silicone Hotmelt Adhesive for Smart Devices
Dow Corning introduces EA-4600 HM RTV Black UV which delivers reworkability, enhanced reliability and waterproofing for smart devices.When selecting an adhesive for electronic device assembly, reworkability, instant green strength, excellent reliability, and a long open time and pot life are attractive attributes. New Dow Corning EA-4600 HM RTV Black UV silicone hot-melt adhesive can provide all of these features, which can improve processing efficiency, quality and total cost of ownership for consumer electronics device manufacturers.This in-demand technology will be featured at the Society for Information Design’s SID Display Week 2015 International Symposium, Seminar and Exhibition, scheduled for May 31 through June 5 at the San Jose (California) Convention Center.Dow Corning Application Engineering and Technical Service Specialist Ryan Schneider will present a technical poster titled "Silicone Adhesive Providing Protection, Waterproofing and Reworkability for Precision Assembly of Electronic Devices" (Poster No. 62) during a poster session from 5 to 8 p.m. June 4 in Ballroom 220A. The poster is part of the session’s "Display Manufacturing" category.Schneider’s poster outlines the benefits of Dow Corning EA-4600 HM RTV Black UV for both the processor and the end user. Graphs detailing cost of ownership (versus double-sided tape) reworkability, open time, pot life, push-out adhesion strength and lap shear adhesion strength are all included, as are evidence of micro-beading achievability and a brief guide to product application.
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