ZEON to Expand Production Capacity of Quintac , a Range of SIS Polymers at its Mizushima Plant
ZEON CORPORATION (President: Kimiaki Tanaka) will expand annual production capacity at the Mizushima Plant for thermoplastic elastomers (product name: Quintac) used as a main raw material for adhesives, from 42,000 tons to 60,000 tons.The Quintac series of styrene isoprene (SIS) block polymers consists primarily of high purity isoprene monomers extracted from the C5 fraction using the GPI process (Geon Process of Isoprene) Zeon’s unique proprietary technology.The latest decision is in response to recent growth in the adhesives market as well as Zeon’s prospects for developing new applications by leveraging its proprietary molecular design. Zeon plans to complete the expansion in production capacity by May 2016.About Zeon CorporationZEON Corporation is a chemicals manufacturer that produces materials for daily life such as synthetic rubbers, specialty resins and electronic components.
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