Vencorex at ECS 2015: to Present Varied Range of Isocyanates & Solutions for PU Industry
Vencorex, the owner of key technologies and a major manufacturer of aromatic and aliphatic isocyanates for the polyurethane markets, will present at European Coatings Show 2015 -from April 21-23, 2015 (Nuremberg, Germany) a wide range of isocyanates and solutions to develop more environmentally-friendly technologies such as: Tolonate aliphatic polyisocyanates crosslinkers for high-performance polyurethane coatings & adhesives, which offer exceptional durability and non-yellowing properties upon ageing, with high solids, low VOC options, Based on a unique patented technology, the Easaqua grades are self-emulsifiable polyisocyanates, used as crosslinkers of efficient environmentally-friendly waterborne polyurethane alternatives to conventional solvent-based coatings, HDI and IPDI isocyanate monomers, essential building blocks for polyurethane dispersions (PUD)
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