BYK to Unveil BYK-1640, a Silicone-free Defoamer for Adhesives and more
BYK Additives & Instruments is launching a new additive on the market: BYK-1640 is a polymer-based, VOC- and silicone-free defoamer for aqueous systems which is also suitable for some applications that come into direct contact with food.Mineral-oil-based defoamers are widely used - mainly in applications in which price is a key criterion. Negative side effects such as separation tendency, odor, environmental aspects and the often lacking approvals for direct food contact mean that the market is looking for affordable alternatives.BYK-1640 is exactly such an alternative. The additive is mineral-oil- and hence emission-free, neutral in odor, silicone-free, and easy to incorporate. It provides high versatility that makes it widely applicable: in architectural, protective, can and paper coatings as well as in adhesives, construction chemicals and printing inks.BYK-1640 is not only effective at low dosage but an overall very economic defoamer with excellent performance that BYK will be presenting at this years ECS alongside other, additives for optimized processes.About BYK Additives & Instruments
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