AkzoNobel to Invest Euro 20 Million in its Organic Peroxide Production Plants
AkzoNobel has announced plans to invest more than ?0 million in its organic peroxide production facilities in Mons, Belgium, and Houston (Pasadena) Texas, in the US.In Mons, the company is introducing new technologies to increase efficiency at the site, which will result in increased capacity. The investment is part of a plan to establish a modern, centralized hub which can serve AkzoNobels broad base of European and global customers more efficiently and effectively.In Houston, the company is implementing a new site-wide process control system which is expected to significantly improve capacity and operational efficiencies while positioning the site to meet the increasing demands of US customers. Embedding efficiencies in the Pasadena operations will help the company to enhance its competitive position in the region, as well as supporting the manufacturing growth of its customers in the US, specifically in the Gulf Coast area.Werner Fuhrmann, AkzoNobel’s Executive Committee member responsible for Specialty Chemicals:"Our Organic Peroxides business is a reliable performer in AkzoNobel’s specialty chemicals portfolio. We have many leading market positions and a strong network of operations to meet the demands of a global marketplace. These targeted investments are focused on making gains in many areas, including operational efficiencies, which will help to strongly position our business for further growth in the polymer industry."
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