NetComposites Develops Flax-based Tape for Automotive and more
NetComposites, in collaboration with Tilsatec and FORMAX, has developed an innovative, highly aligned flax-based tape and non-crimp fabric.The new material is suitable for thermoset composite applications and will give improved properties over conventional woven natural fiber-based composite materials. It has a higher stiffness per unit weight than glass fiber.The material is suitable for a range of applications including automotive, sporting and consumer goods. Variants with thermoplastics, such as PLA and polypropylene, and bio-based pre-pregs are also being developed.The development of the highly aligned flax has been supported by the UK’s Composites Innovation Cluster.About NetComposites NetComposites is a world leading specialist in applied composite material technologies. Through its research, consultancy, training and information services, it develops innovative, commercially successful composite materials and processes whilst helping clients and partners to benefit from better materials, manufacturing technologies and business opportunities.
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