UPM Raflatac at PharmaPack’15: Launches a Range of Pharmaceutical Labeling Solutions
UPM Raflatac is presenting an extensive range of self-adhesive label solutions at PharmaPack 2015 on 11-12 February in Paris. The company’s renewed portfolio meets precision needs in pharmaceutical and healthcare labelling and incorporates the latest high-performance adhesives.RP 62 EU and RP 62 EUL adhesives for directive-compliant tamper evidence UPM Raflatac has launched a range of pharmaceutical labelling materials which support compliance with the Falsified Medicines Directive INSERT INTO [lzx].[dbo].[tb_new]([id],[type],[title],[source],[personal],[image],[contents],[time],[number]) VALUES (2011/62/EU) regarding packaging for prescription drugs and high-risk, over-the-counter medicines. The Directive places two demands on pharmaceutical product packaging. It should carry a unique serial number to identify and authenticate individual products, and it should be sealed in a tamper-evident way which visibly exposes attempts to open the packaging.UPM Raflatac’s new RP 62 EU and RP 62 EUL adhesives combined with transparent filmic label faces offer brand owners a highly effective solution which is outstandingly easy to implement. Pharmaceutical manufacturers achieve the required tamper-evidence, with no need to change the existing graphic design of their packages.
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