H.B. Fuller Acquires Continental Products, a Supplier of Industrial Adhesives in Africa
ST. PAUL, Minn. -- H.B. Fuller Company (NYSE:FUL) has finalized the previously announced purchase of Continental Products Limited, a provider of industrial adhesives to the East and Central Africa markets.The addition of this business supports H.B. Fullers growth strategy for emerging markets, as it will enable the company to fully leverage its broad-based technology portfolio and effectively deliver specialty adhesive products to key customers in East and Central Africa."With this acquisition, we gain a dedicated team with strong customer relationships and local manufacturing capabilities," said Steve Kenny, senior vice president, EIMEA, H.B. Fuller. "H.B. Fuller will work closely with the Continental team to further enhance partnerships with regional customers and to develop, produce and sell new and better products in a strategically important geography."Serving a wide range of industries, including paper converting, printing and packaging, labeling, laminating, bookbinding, automotive assembly, footwear and construction, the Continental business generated approximately ?.3 million in revenue for the 2014 fiscal year. Based in Nairobi, Kenya, Continental will be included in H.B. Fullers Europe, India, Middle East, Africa (EIMEA) operating segment.About H.B. Fuller
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