Evonik Unveils Biobased Polyester Polyols for Reactive Hotmelt Adhesives
As the first company Evonik Industries launched a modular system of bio-based polyester polyols for reactive hotmelt adhesives, under the name DYNACOLL Terra. These are the “green” alternatives to the petrochemical polyols, and also expand the property spectrum of the existing product range.
The DYNACOLL Terra range includes nine medium-molecular-weight polyester polyols in which the content of renewable raw materials ranges from more than 30 to 100 percent. As in the case of the petrochemical based grades, this is a modular system consisting of amorphous, liquid, and crystalline grades; their spectrum of viscosities, melting points, and glass transition temperatures determine to a large extent the properties of the formulated PUR hotmelts such as open time, initial strength, and setting time. The bio-based formulations allow the production of reactive hotmelts with properties comparable to those of petrochemically based polyesters; in some cases the products can be even better.
In developing DYNACOLL Terra, Evonik is underscoring its commitment to corporate responsibility and accelerating the trend in the chemical industry toward a greener future.
DYNACOLL with inherent flame retardancy
A further development in the field of hotmelts concerns the requirements with regards to fire protection. In the past, adhesives formulators were faced with the ch
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