Vencorex presents its long term strategic ambition. This strategy is based on focusing its activities toward specialty isocyanates. (HDI, IPDI, derivatives and new products).
Vencorex objective is to strengthen its worldwide position in Aliphatic Isocyanates business. (HDI, IPDI, Tolonate & Easaqua grades and new products).
To achieve this long term ambition, Vencorex plans to enhance its footprint on production capabilities, commercial activities and R&D innovation towards the following configuration.
Tolonate production facilities in 3 main continents ready to serve global market. Vencorex already has these at Pont De Claix, France and Freeport, TX USA, with an additional facility being implemented in Thailand, starting in 2015.
With all these initiatives, Vencorex will therefore implement several industrial projects with the objective to sustain its position as among the leading global partners for specialty isocyanates in the coming years.
Vencorex strategic ambition is supported by both shareholders: PTTGC and Perstorp.
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