Bethesda, MD -- Raising the concern that South Coast Air Quality Management District s (SCAQMD) revision of Rule 1168 would eliminate water-based products in a variety of architectural adhesive applications, the Adhesive and Sealant Council (ASC) has submitted comments suggesting a more conservative approach of reducing these application limits.
The Council suggested reducing volatile organic compound (VOC) percentages by 10 or 15 percent, rather than the 50-80 percent reduction that the present proposal presents.
ASC also questioned a new 50 grams per liter (g/l) limit for architectural sealants and non-membrane roofing sealants that would eliminate solvent based products in these categories and force consumers to choose technologies that are not reusable after they are opened, thus creating more waste and expense.
Historically, Rule 1168 has set VOC emissions for commercial adhesive and sealant product categories throughout the largest and most populated counties of the Los Angeles basin and the latest proposed revisions could have a major impact on how ASC members formulate their products.
"One major directional change with this proposed revision is South Coast s decision to regulate consumer product categories not already regulated by California Air Resources Board (CARB)" said Mark Collatz, ASC s Director of Regulatory Affairs." We have specifically raised the issue of clear paintable and water resistant sealants because until now this product was unregulated in California because of ARB s definition for sealants. Clearly this product type now needs a stand-alone definition and a higher VOC limit to maintain its efficacy."
Other ASC suggested comments requested: South Coast implement a mandatory survey every five years or when the District is considering revising the rule in lieu of the presently proposed annual survey; Change the requirement for maintaining company sales information from five years to three years; Allow unlimited sell-through for products manufactured prior to the date the revision requirements become effective SCAQMD is expected to release a follow-up revision to the rule in early March.
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