DELO Industrial Adhesives presents new adhesives MEMS packaging with unique combinations of properties. For the first time, MEMS adhesives combine high flexibility and the utmost shear strength, while providing the best processing properties.
Microelectromechanical systems, also called MEMS, are on the rise and are meanwhile found in many everyday products, such as mobile phones and automotive applications. "Although these microsystems are just a few millimeters in size, there is still a trend towards miniaturization", says Robert Saller, VP Sales International at DELO. "Where previously used adhesives, such as silicones, reach their limits, our new products feature the best performance. It’s not only that they are very flexible. They also have a high die shear strength and are easy to process. Thus, they support the development of even smaller MEMS."
The newly developed MEMS adhesives are highly flexible, do not get brittle, and reliably equalize tensions arising upon thermal stress. This ensures unchanged signal characteristics during the entire duration of use. Despite their high flexibility, DELO’s MEMS adhesives give the utmost shear strength at the same time. They impress with excellent dispensing and processing properties as they can be jetted and cure at low temperatures within short periods of time. The combination of these properties makes them unique in the market.
DELO - The hidden champion in the Ammersee region. is a world-leading manufacturer of industrial adhesives, based in Windach near Munich, Germany. Owner-operated, for over 50 years DELO has developed tailor-made special adhesives and application technologies for industries from photovoltaics and electronics to chip cards, automotive supply, glass and plastics. Through subsidiaries in the US, China and Singapore as well as distributors and representative offices all around the world, DELO can provide expert help to customers wherever they may be.
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