The Environmental Protection Agency has honored the University of Delawares Richard Wool with its Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award for his extensive work developing bio-based materials to support the green energy infrastructure.
Wool was recognized during a presentation at EPA headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Now in its 18th year, the EPA awards program recognizes the design of safer and more sustainable chemicals, processes and products. Awards are conferred annually in five categories: Academic, Small Business, Greener Synthetic Pathways, Greener Reaction Conditions and Designing Greener Chemicals.
Wool, UD professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering and director of the Affordable Composites from Renewable Resources (ACRES) program, is a world leader in developing safer chemical substances from renewable resources through processes that require less water and energy, and produce less hazardous waste compared to petroleum-based processes.
The products can be used as adhesives, composites and foams - even circuit boards, hurricane resistant energy efficient roofs and leather substitutes.
"Finding low toxicity replacements for commodity plastics such as polystyrene and PVC, adhesives, foams and composite resins, in addition to leather-like materials, must be a priority if we are to benefit the environment and human health," said Wool.
Wool became passionate about sustainability in the early 1990s when he served as chairman of the American Society for Testing and Materials committee for biodegradable plastics. The committee included representatives from the farming community, state governments and major corporations, as well as environmentalists and members of the academic community.
"I became critically aware of the issues surrounding waste management, recycling, climate change and the protection of our natural resources," he said. "I began to wonder if there was a better way."
This motivated Wool to incorporate green chemistry and green engineering solutions into his research. He created several high-performance materials using biobased feedsto
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