Midland, Mich. -- Celanese Corporation (NYSE: CE) a global technology and specialty materials company and a global leader in emulsion polymers, announced it will increase the price of acrylic-based emulsions sold in the Americas. Pure acrylic and styrene acrylic emulsions will increase by up to $0.04 / wet pound and vinyl acrylic emulsions will increase by up to $0.02 / wet pound effective September 30, 2013, or as contracts allow. This price increase affects all applications including, but not limited to, adhesives, paints and coatings, building and construction, nonwovens, glass fiber, carpet, paper and textiles.
Customers should contact their Celanese sales representative for more details.
Celanese Corporation is a global technology leader in the production of differentiated chemistry solutions and specialty materials used in most major industries and consumer applications. With sales almost equally divided between North America, Europe and Asia, the company uses the full breadth of its global chemistry, technology and business expertise to create value for customers and the corporation. Celanese partners with customers to solve their most critical needs while making a positive impact on its communities and the world. Based in Dallas, Texas, Celanese employs approximately 7,600 employees worldwide and had 2012 net sales of $6.4 billion.
Source: Celanese
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