Westminster, SC -- Ulbrich Solar Technologies, Inc., a world leader in the innovation and production of PV Ribbon products, announces the newest additions to their family of solar cell interconnect wire designed specifically for use with conductive adhesives applications. Easybond-XP (silver plated) and EasyBond-SP (tin plated) have been created for use with multiple forms of non-solder or hybrid solder technologies including liquid adhesives, pastes, tapes and low melting solder/resins.
The Easybond family of interconnect ribbon is engineered to meet each module manufacturers unique specifications. Ed Treglia, Vice President of Ulbrich Solar Technologies, added, "We developed these new PV ribbon products for module manufacturers pioneering new adhesive methods and products. Our goal is to provide our customers with a lower cost, high value product that improves their manufacturing processes, lowers cell breakage and maximizes module power output."
Easybond joins the family high performance PV Ribbon options including the innovative LCR line of grooved ribbon, recognized for its ability to capture more light than standard smooth ribbon. Easybond is offered as a value alternative to LCR while maintaining critical features such as low yield strengths, tightly controlled camber, precision winding and vacuum packed spools. The new interconnect wire is offered in a variety of copper base alloys and multiple plating options including silver and tin. Easybond is produced in thicknesses up to .35mm and 6mm wide and is now available in full production quantities.
Ulbrich Solar Technologies, Inc., is headquartered in Westminster, South Carolina. UST offers two facilities in the US and one is Europe. The Ulbrich family of companies has been dedicated for over 20 years to providing highly engineered photovoltaic ribbon including solar cell tabbing, interconnect wire, bus ribbon, and thin film substrates to solar module manufacturers around the globe.
Source: Ulbrich Solar Technologies
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