A very interesting activity has developed in Europe which may lead to new bio-inspired adhesives. This activity is organized under the structure of "COST" (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) and the specific activity is Action TD0906, "Biological Adhesives: from Biology to Biomimetics". The main objective is to develop new adhesive that mimic the biological functions found in nature. But first an explanation of COST may be required for those not familiar with the organization.
COST, is an intergovernmental framework setup for European cooperation in science and technology. This allows the coordination of nationally-funded research on a European level. COST has a very specific mission and goal. It contributes to reducing the fragmentation in European research investments and opening areas of endeavor to cooperation worldwide. COST actions can provide grants for scientific missions or exchange visits aimed at strengthening collaboration.
One of the first major activities under the COST framework has been Action TD0906. The main objective of this action is to gain new understanding relating to the mode of action of biological adhesives so as to facilitate the development of synthetic counterparts with improved function. These bio-inspired adhesives (thus the term "biomimetic") will provide more elegant solutions to contemporary engineering and biomedical adhesive requirements and will additionally provide a platform for future technological innovation that requires adhesion in hostile conditions.
Biological adhesives often offer impressive performances and the potential to inspire novel, superior industrial adhesives for an increasing variety of high-tech applications. The biomimetic approach to developing these new adhesives is illustrated in Figure 1. The specific objectives for Action TD0906 are to develop bio-inspired adhesives that:
Figure 1: Biomimetic Approach to Developing New Adhesives |
Because of the complexity of this activity and the multi-disciplines needed to tackle it, there has been little visible progress in the development of bio-inspired adhesives. The COST Action unites widespread European expertise and activities in the fields of biological and technological adhesives, streamlining and pooling knowledge, methods and techniques, avoiding duplication of effort, decreasing costs, and accelerating scientific and technological progress in Europe. Participating countries are AT, BE, CH, DE, FI, FR, IE, IL, IT, PT, RO, SE, TR, and UK.
Anyone interested in furthering their understanding of biologically based adhesives or the specific activities of COST Action TDo906 can visit the web site www.cost-bioadhesives.org. This site also provides abstracts of papers presented at the meetings of this group. Action TD0906 was initiated in 2010 and is scheduled to continue through 2014.
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