Boston, MA -- The bio-based materials and chemicals industry needs to tap newer, non-food sources of biomass and cellulosic material and raise volumes of feedstock before it can emerge as an economically viable alternative to petroleum-based products, according to a Lux Research report. Currently, high cost of capital and operations limit bio-based materials and chemicals to a few facilities located where corn and cane are plentiful and cheap.
"Bio-based materials and chemicals manufacturers need syngas and sugar to fuel their growth. Gasification and enzymatic hydrolysis are key technologies for securing vast amounts," said Mark Bünger, Research Director and the lead author of the report titled, "Pruning the Cost of Bio-Based Materials and Chemicals."
Lux Research analysts studied cost drivers in gasification, enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulosics and algae cultivation to find opportunities where new technologies can turn them to profit. Among their findings:
The report, titled "Pruning the Cost of Bio-Based Materials and Chemicals," is part of the Lux Research Bio-Based Materials and Chemicals Intelligence service.
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