KINGSPORT, Tenn. -- Eastman Chemical Company (NYSE:EMN) it has completed the retrofit and startup of its non-phthalate plasticizer manufacturing facility in Texas City, Texas. Eastman purchased the former Sterling Chemicals, Inc. plant in mid-2011. The facility, which will primarily produce Eastman 168 non-phthalate plasticizer, will increase the overall capacity of Eastman 168 by approximately 60 percent. Further capacity increases are possible with minimal investment at the Texas City site as demand for non-phthalate plasticizers continues to grow.
"We are committed to continual growth in our business and are happy to announce the startup of the non-phthalate plasticizer facility in Texas City," said Heidi Barnes, Performance Chemicals and Intermediates segment Oxo and Plasticizers business director. "This additional capacity will allow us to serve the growing demand for non-phthalate plasticizers such as Eastman 168 around the globe."
Non-phthalate plasticizers are broadly used in products such toys, childcare items, food contact materials and medical devices, and is also used to provide flexibility to PVC in a wide variety of applications. End markets for non-phthalate plasticizers include building and construction, health and wellness, and infant care.
Eastmans chemicals, fibers and plastics are used as key ingredients in products that people use every day. Approximately 10,000 Eastman employees around the world blend technical expertise and innovation to deliver practical solutions. The company is committed to finding sustainable business opportunities within the diverse markets and geographies it serves. A global company headquartered in Kingsport, Tennessee, USA, Eastman had 2011 sales of 7.2 billion.
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