RadTech Forms RadLaunch to Connect Technology Start-ups to UV Industry
RadTech has announced the formation of “RadLaunch,” a unique, technology accelerator that will support early-stage start-ups and small businesses as they drive advancements in clean, sustainable, efficient, and energy-saving, next-generation technologies. The mission of RadLaunch is to connect technology start-ups to UV+EB industry leaders.
Factors to Accelerate Use of UV+EB
The following factors are accelerating the use of UV+EB as replacements for harsh industrial processes and chemicals, and as a way to eliminate waste. Several start-ups are already seeing the benefits of using UV+EB technology, and RadTech is working to support their efforts to lead the future of manufacturing.
Fast emergence of innovative materials
Additive manufacturing/ 3D printing
Use of new tools such as UV LEDs and inkjet
RadLaunch applicants will be vetted and judged by Accelerator sponsors including Chris Seubert, Ford Motor Company; Hui Yang, Procter and Gamble; and Mike Idacavage, Colorado Photopolymer Solutions.
Start-ups may Face Challenges
Mike Idacavage, Colorado Photopolymer Solutions and Board member of RadTech, says:
“Innovative start-up companies may face challenges in making the best use UV+EB. RadTech has identified these potential hurdles and is working to help remove barriers. As part of this effort, in addition to supporting funds, RadTech will offer something potentially more valuable to a start-up -- mentoring and networking to help foster start-up success, especially in the early stages of growth.”
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