Kalenborn Abresist Corporation introduces KALFIX®, a line of adhesives for pipeline coatings. KALFIX 911 and KALFIX 913 are pressure transfer fillers for repairing high pressure pipelines and offer extreme adhesion, even to underwater surfaces.
KALFIX 563, for pipeline coating or cold weather use, is an epoxy and curing agent that is able to displace water for a permanent bond to all substrates with minimal substrate preparation.
KALFIX 206 is a combination liquid epoxy resin and a special high temperature curing agent. Though it has a high heat distortion, it cures to a hard and dust-free condition at normal temperatures.
About Kalenborn Abresist
Kalenborn Abresist is a leader in the design and supply of wear solutions for a wide range of industries utilizing various mineral and metallic solutions. The company’s wear and abrasion resistant linings and corrosion control coatings reduce downtime and maintenance and are marketed throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico.
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