








  刚,薛双乐,张绪刚,孙明明,白雪峰,王  磊,赵  明,张  

(黑龙江省科学院石油化学研究院,黑龙江哈尔滨  150040

【摘  要】由于丙烯酸酯压敏胶耐高温性能不足而在诸多应用领域受到限制,近年来行业中涌现了诸多通过改性提升其耐温性的研究。本文对近年来有关丙烯酸酯压敏胶耐高温改性的研究工作进行了综述,对耐高温性能的测试方法进行了汇总和比较,对交联剂及交联方式研究、有机硅改性、丙烯酰胺化合物改性、含氟化合物改性、杂环类耐热单体改性等多种改性方法进行了分析和总结。最后,对耐高温丙烯酸酯压敏胶的发展方向进行了展望。




都雨鑫1,白永平1,孟令辉1,白  2

1.哈尔滨工业大学化工与化学学院,黑龙江哈尔滨  1500012.无锡万亿星新材料科技有限公司,江苏无锡  214100

【摘  要】手机、平板电脑、智能手表等电子产品的触摸显示屏幕由许多具有不同结构和功能的复杂薄层组成,光学胶粘剂在其中起着重要的作用。随着屏幕技术的迭代,触摸显示屏幕向着全面屏、折叠屏以及卷曲和可拉伸屏幕方向发展,对光学胶粘剂提出了更高的要求。本综述介绍了3C产品屏幕中聚氨酯光学胶粘剂、环氧树脂光学胶粘剂、丙烯酸酯光学胶粘剂以及有机硅树脂光学胶粘剂的特点和研究现状,讨论了各类光学胶粘剂的发展和问题。对丙烯酸酯光学压敏胶的制备和性能进行深入探讨,总结了近年来对于柔性可折叠屏幕的光学压敏胶最新研究进展。对电子显示屏幕用光学压敏胶的应用、挑战和未来发展方向提出了展望,为后续研究工作提供参考。



胡晓伟1,2,杨俊玲2,赵丹丹1,张振涛2,李晓琼2,常  鸿3,张文霞3,方占正4
(1.河北科技大学食品与生物学院,河北石家庄  0500182.中国科学院理化技术研究所,北京  1001903.国家电投集团科学技术研究院有限公司,北京  1022004.北京经开综合智慧能源有限公司,北京  102600






陈柯宇1,林晓丹1,王    1,廖平湘2

1.华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院,广东  广州    510641

2.湖南省和祥润新材料有限公司,湖南  永州    266400

【摘  要】利用单端羟基硅油、异佛尔酮二异氰酸酯、丙烯酸羟乙酯制备了含有氨基甲酸酯基的有机硅丙烯酸酯预聚体。以此预聚体作为硬单体,丙烯酸异辛酯为软单体,低生物毒性2,4,6-三甲基苯甲酰基苯基膦酸乙酯(TPO-L)为光引发剂,采用紫外光(UV)固化聚合制备了吸水性、透水气性、耐水性和粘接性能优异的丙烯酸酯压敏胶。通过二正丁胺反滴定法探究了预聚体合成最佳温度、时间、催化剂用量等工艺参数。研究了光照时间、光引发剂种类及用量对压敏胶固化程度的影响,以及预聚体含量对压敏胶粘接性能、吸水性和湿气透过性的影响。研究结果表明:在有机硅丙烯酸酯预聚体合成中,第一步反应温度为40 ℃,第二步反应温度为50 ℃,反应时间都为60 min,催化剂最佳用量为0.10%(质量分数);在改性压敏胶制备中,光照120 s,光引发剂TPO-L用量为3%(质量分数),预聚体含量为20%时制备的压敏胶光固化程度较高,初粘力为21#号球,180°剥离强度为5.7 N/(25 mm),持粘力超过360 h,对非极性表面PP180°剥离强度为3.2 N/(25 mm);改性后的压敏胶吸水性、湿气透过性良好。




申栋梁,魏运召,吴健伟,付  刚,赵玉宇,王  

(黑龙江省科学院石油化学研究院,黑龙江哈尔滨  150040

【摘  要】以对苯二甲基二甲醚为原料合成了二甲基对苯二甲基型苯酚(DMPXPh)。采用氯化氰-酚方法制备出新型二甲基对苯二甲基型氰酸酯(DMPXCy),并测定了其结构。考察了材料的热性能、耐湿热性、介电性能和力学性能,并与双酚A型氰酸酯(BADCy)进行比较。研究结果表明:⑴红外和核磁氢谱表征证明已经成功地制备出目标酚中间体,并且酚中间体已被氰酸酯化制备成氰酸酯单体。⑵DMPXCy的固化行为和热性能研究表明,DMPXCy反应活性低于BADCy树脂,并且加入有机金属催化剂后,固化温度明显降低,可在280℃内阶梯固化。另外,DMPXCy树脂的玻璃化转变温度比BADCy树脂低,热稳定性基本相同,但DMPXCy的残炭率较高,显示出一定的耐烧蚀性。⑶力学性能研究表明,DMPXCy树脂总体力学强度与BADCy相近,拉伸强度略低。⑷DMPXCy树脂吸湿性和介电性能研究说明,DMPXCy树脂展现出优异的介电性能和低吸湿性,介电常数(ε)与介电损耗角正切(tanδ)分别为2.6500.004 50,饱和吸湿率为0.70%,远低于BADCy树脂的介电损耗和吸湿率。DMPXCy树脂作为低介电透波材料或高尺寸精度航天复合材料和胶粘剂的树脂基体,具有良好的应用潜力。






[1.河南工学院电缆工程学院,河南新乡  4530032.闽都创新实验室(中国福建光电信息科学与技术创新实验室),福建福州  3501083.康达新材料(集团)股份有限公司,上海  201419]

【摘  要】以正己基三甲氧基硅烷(HTTS)为表面活化剂制备了改性氧化铝和改性聚磷酸铵,以提高氧化铝和聚磷酸铵在聚合物基质中的分散性。在此基础上,以聚丙二醇、蓖麻油为羟基组分,改性氧化铝为导热填料,改性聚磷酸铵为阻燃剂,多亚甲基多苯基异氰酸酯为固化剂,再加上催化剂、消泡剂和分子筛,制备得到了双组分聚氨酯灌封胶。研究了HTTSR值、导热填料和阻燃剂的添加量对聚氨酯灌封胶性能的影响规律。研究结果表明:当HTTS的添加量分别为2.0%2.5%时,改性氧化铝和改性聚磷酸铵的活化效果较好;当R1.15时,聚氨酯灌封胶的拉伸强度为2.76 MPa,断裂伸长率为254%;当改性氧化铝和改性聚磷酸铵的添加量分别为70%8%时,聚氨酯灌封胶的导热系数为2.11 W/(m·K),阻燃级别达到UL-94 V0级,极限氧指数为28.5%。此外,所制备的聚氨酯灌封胶具有优异的稳定性,在50 ℃下储存30 dA组分和B组分的旋转黏度分别在18~26 Pa·s400~700 mPa·s的合理范围内波动。最后,所制备的聚氨酯灌封胶的体积电阻率为5.1×1013 Ω·cm,吸水率为0.21%,凝胶时间为49 min,邵D硬度为52,固化后胶体表面平整,无气泡,说明该灌封胶的性能可以满足电子灌封领域的要求。




周力军1,2,刘明珠2,刘琮佩璘2,程靖萱2,黄  1,2,姚  2,龚露露2

1.湖北隆中实验室,湖北襄阳  4411382.湖北航天化学技术研究所,湖北襄阳  441003

  】采用了一种自交联功能单体N-羟甲基丙烯酰胺(NMA),通过自由基聚合方式,制备了一种单组分可自交联无苯溶剂型丙烯酸酯压敏胶。系统研究了自交联单体含量对压敏胶剥离力、黏度、持粘性能和转化率的影响,优选出了NMA最佳使用量。研究结果表明:当自交联单体NMA添加质量分数为0.2%时,压敏胶的剥离力、黏度符合要求,耐温性能优异,65 ℃高温持粘时间增至10 h,单体转化率较高(达95.2%)。将制得的压敏胶涂布于基材,应用于地毯保护膜,30 d后无翘边现象,且所用溶剂无甲苯,具有环保、低毒优势,证明了本产品具有一定的应用前景。





    1,姚    1,刘晓暄1,韩    2,廖正福1

1.广东工业大学材料与能源学院,广东  广州    5100602.深圳市墨库图文技术有限公司,广东  深圳    518100

【摘  要】喷墨打印是一种较为新颖的无接触式印刷技术,高效、经济、环保的特点使其在阻焊制程中有广泛的发展前景。本研究通过对比紫外光固化涂层的固化速度、附着力和硬度等性能,从市售的5种阳离子单体中,优选出脂环族环氧单体3,4-环氧环己基甲酸-3’,4’-环氧环己基甲酯(TTA-21)作为杂化体系的阳离子单体。选择质量比为23TTA-21/1,6-己二醇二丙烯酸酯(HDDA)混杂体系配方为研究对象,对其反应转化率、固化程度、热性能、热稳定性以及所制备油墨在阻焊中的应用进行研究。研究结果表明:⑴在LED光照下,自由基组分和阳离子组分均会发生聚合反应,自由基体系的反应速度快,且反应转化率更高;阳离子反应速度慢,且转化率相对低,短时间内持续的光照并不能显著提升阳离子的反应转化率;在光-热双重固化下,阳离子环氧开环聚合与自由基双键加成反应的反应程度增加,固化进行得更彻底。⑵杂化体系的固化产物存在两相,但是热重曲线显示只有一个失重曲线,说明杂化体系经过LED加热烘烤后,体系中可能形成了互穿交联网络结构;环氧组分和丙烯酸组分存在一定的微相分离结构,这种微相分离结构提升了固化膜的综合性能。⑶应用研究表明,制备的合格阻焊墨水黏度为8~14 mPa·s45 ℃),表面张力在22 mN/m左右,粒径在135~150 nm范围,耐溶剂、耐酸碱和耐焊锡性能均可以满足阻焊墨水的要求。




李盼盼,刘晓丽,高国胜,段万泽,张  乐,赵建宇

(北京新风航天装备有限公司,北京  100854

【摘  】为改善钡酚醛树脂的耐高温性能和力学性能,本研究采用硅烷偶联剂KH-560对钡酚醛树脂进行化学改性。对改性前后的树脂进行了各项性能表征,重点研究了该改性树脂的热稳定性、力学性能和附着力。研究结果表明:⑴成功地将KH-560通过化学键稳定地连接到钡酚醛树脂的分子链上;⑵KH-560的较佳添加量为15%,相比于纯钡酚醛树脂,改性后钡酚醛树脂的Tmax2提高了约25 ℃,热性能提升明显;⑶KH-560能够有效改善钡酚醛树脂的力学性能,15%含量的KH-560改性钡酚醛树脂的拉伸强度提高约32.5%,拉伸模量提高约11.7%,附着力提高约30.4%




朱振祥1,魏  2,樊  2,王  1,李永振2

1.山东高速股份有限公司,山东济南 2500142.山东省交通科学研究院,山东济南 250100

【摘  要】为了定量表征集料中的酸性组成对沥青/集料黏附性的影响,首先通过采用模拟矿物和红外光谱方法研究了酸性成分对沥青的吸附规律。然后选用3种石油沥青、5种集料考察了实际酸性成分对黏附性的影响模式及使用温度对黏附性的影响特点。研究结果表明:实际矿物集料中的酸性组分SiO2含量、SiO2+Al2O3合计含量均能与黏附性表征参数-剥落率呈现Logistic函数关系。当SiO2含量小于50%,或者SiO2+Al2O3含量小于63%时,集料表面沥青的剥落率一般在5%以下,为第一稳定区;当SiO2含量介于50%73%,或者SiO2+Al2O3含量介于63%87%时,沥青在集料表面的剥落随酸性成分含量提高而加快,为黏附性敏感区,沥青黏附性等级可以从4级快速衰减为3级、2级;当SiO2含量大于73%,或者SiO2+Al2O3含量大于87%之后,沥青黏附性等级都为2级或1级之下,为第二稳定区。在一些低温气候分区内,按照普通的沥青混合料设计方法或配合适当的抗剥落措施,可以正常利用花岗岩等酸性集料。




Special Topics Review

Research progress of high-temperature resistance acrylate pressure sensitive adhesive
Xue Gang, Xue ShuangleZhang XugangSun MingmingBai XuefengWang LeiZhao MingZhang Bin
(Institute of Petrochemistry, Heilongjiang Academy of Sciences, Harbin 150040, China)
AbstractAcrylate pressure sensitive adhesive is limited in many application fields due to its insufficient high-temperature resistance.In recent years, many studies have emerged in the industry to improve its temperature resistance through modification. In this paper, the recent research on the high-temperature resistance modification of acrylate pressure sensitive adhesive was reviewed, and the test methods on high-temperature resistance performance were summarized and compared. Various modification methods such as the study of crosslinking agent and crosslinking method, silicone modification, acrylamide compound modification, fluorine-containing compound modification, and heterocyclic heat-resistant monomer modification were analyzed and summarized. Finally, the development direction of high-temperature resistance acrylate pressure sensitive adhesive was prospected.
Keywordsacrylate; pressure sensitive adhesive; high-temperature resistance; summarize
Research progress on optical adhesive for electronic display screen
Du Yuxin1Bai Yongping1Meng Linghui1Bai Yang2
1.School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin  150001, Heilongjiang, China; 2.Wuxi Trillion Stars New Material Technology Co., Ltd., Wuxi  214100, Jiangsu, China
AbstractsThe touch display screens of cell phones, tablet PCs, smart watches, and other electronic products are composed of many complex thin layers with different structures and functions, in which optical adhesive plays an important role. With the iteration of screen technology, the touch display screen is developing in the direction of edge-to-edge screen, foldable screen, as well as curled and stretchable screen, which puts forward higher requirements for optical adhesive. In this review, the characteristics and research status of polyurethane optical adhesive, epoxy resin optical adhesive, acrylate optical adhesive, and silicone resin optical adhesive for 3C product screens were introduced, and the development and problems of various types of optical adhesive were discussed. An in-depth exploration was conducted on the preparation and properties of acrylate optical pressure-sensitive adhesive, and the latest research progress on optical pressure-sensitive adhesive for flexible foldable screens in recent years was summarized.The application, challenges, and future development directions of optical pressure-sensitive adhesive for electronic display screen were proposed, providing reference for subsequent research work.
Keywordstouch display panel; foldable screen; optically clear adhesive; research progress
Research progress and discussion on the thermal conductivity of thermal conductive adhesive
Hu Xiaowei1,2Yang Junling2Zhao Dandan1Zhang Zhentao2,
Li Xiaoqiong2, Chang Hong3, Zhang Wenxia3,Fang Zhanzheng4
(1.College of Food Science and Biology, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang050018, Hebei, China; 2.Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS, Beijing 100190, China; 3. State Power Investment Corporation Science and Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing  102200, China; 4.Beijing Jingkai Integrated Smart Energy Co., Ltd., Beijing 102600, China)
AbstractWith the rapid popularization of consumer electronic products and the continuous progress of technology, the thermal conductive adhesive market demand continues to increase, and the development potential is huge. However, while miniaturization, integration, and portability of electronic products are rapidly developing, higher requirements are also put forward for the thermal conductivity of thermal conductive adhesive. Therefore, in this article, the thermal conductivity mechanism of filled thermal conductive adhesive was introduced, the application scope of traditional thermal conductivity models, and the method of finite element simulation to predict the thermal conductivity coefficient were discussed. The research achievements of thermal conductive adhesive colloids in recent years were reviewed, and the type, shape, particle size, modification of thermal conductive adhesive fillers, as well as the influence of the mixed use of thermal conductive fillers on the thermal conductivity coefficient of thermal conductive adhesive were described emphatically, and the methods for improving the thermal conductivity coefficient of thermal conductive adhesive were summarized.
Keywordsthermal conductive adhesive; thermal conductivity coefficient; thermal conductivity model; thermal conductive filler; adhesive

Research Report

Synthesis of organosilicone acrylate prepolymer and its application in UV curing acrylate pressure sensitive adhesive

Chen Keyu1, Lin Xiaodan1, Wang Lei1, Liao Pingxiang2

(1.School of Materials Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou510641, Guangdong, China;2.Hunan Hexiangrun New Materials Co., Ltd., Yongzhou  266400, Hunan, China)

AbstractOrganosilicone acrylate prepolymer containing urethane groups were prepared by using single-terminated hydroxysilicone oil, isophorone diisocyanate and hydroxyethyl acrylate. Using this prepolymer as a hard monomer, 2-ethylhexyl acrylate as a soft monomer, and low biotoxicity 2,4,6-trimethylbenzoylphenylphosphonate ethyl ester (TPO-L) as a photoinitiator, acrylate pressure sensitive adhesive with excellent water absorption, water permeability, water resistance, and bonding properties was prepared by UV curing polymerization. The optimal process parameters for the synthesis of prepolymer, such as temperature, time, and catalyst dosage, were investigated by using the reverse titration method with dibutylamine. The effects of illumination time, types and amounts of photoinitiators on the curing degree of pressure sensitive adhesive, as well as the effects of prepolymer content on the bonding performance, water absorption, and moisture permeability of pressure sensitive adhesive were studied. The research results showed thatin the synthesis of organosilicone acrylate prepolymer, the first step reaction temperature was 40 , the second step reaction temperature was 50 , both the reaction time was 60 minutes, and the optimal catalyst dosage was 0.10% (mass fraction).In the preparation of modified pressure sensitive adhesive, when the illumination time was 120 s, the photoinitiator TPO-L dosage was 3% (mass fraction), the prepolymer content was 20%, the photocuring degree of pressure sensitive adhesive was relatively high, the initial adhesion force was 21# ball, the 180° peel strength was 5.7 N/(25 mm), the holding power exceeded 360 h, and the 180° peel strength for non-polar surface of PP board was 3.2 N/(25 mm).The modified pressure sensitive adhesive had good water absorption and moisture permeability.

Keywordshydroxysilicone oil; isophorone diisocyanate; hydroxyethyl acrylate; prepolymer; UV curing;pressure sensitive adhesive


Synthesis and performance study of dimethyl p-xylylene cyanate

Shen DongliangWei YunzhaoWu JianweiFu GangZhao YuyuWang Guan

(Institute of Petrochemistry, Heilongjiang Academy of Sciences, Harbin  150040, Heilongjiang, China)

AbstractDimethyl p-xylylene phenol (DMPXPh) was synthesized by using p-phenyldimethyl ether as the raw material, and a new type of dimethyl p-xylylene cyanate (DMPXCy) was prepared by the cyanogen chloride-phenol method, and the structure was measured. The thermal properties, moisture and heat resistance, dielectric properties, and mechanical properties of the material were investigated, and compared with bisphenol A cyanate (BADCy). The research results showed that,  The characterization by infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy confirmed that the target phenolic intermediate was successfully prepared, and the phenolic intermediate was synthesized into cyanate monomer through cyanate esterification. The study on the curing behavior and thermal performance of DMPXCy showed that the reaction activity of DMPXCy was lower than that of BADCy resin, and the addition of organic metal catalysts significantly reduced the curing temperature, allowing for stepwise curing within 280 . In addition, the glass transition temperature of DMPXCy resin was lower than that of BADCy resin, and its thermal stability was basically the same. However, the residual carbon rate of DMPXCy was higher, indicating a certain degree of ablation resistance.  The research on mechanical properties showed that the overall mechanical strength of DMPXCy resin was similar to that of BADCy, with slightly lower tensile strength. The research on the moisture absorption and dielectric properties of DMPXCy resin showed that DMPXCy resin exhibited excellent dielectric properties and low moisture absorption, the dielectric constant (ε) and dielectric loss tangent (tanδ) were 2.650 and 0.004 50, respectively, the saturation moisture absorption rate was 0.70%, which were much lower than the dielectric loss and moisture absorption rate of BADCy resin. DMPXCy resin had good application potential as a resin matrix for low dielectric transparent materials or high-precision aerospace composite materials and adhesive.

Keywordscyanate; dimethyl p-xylylene type; synthesis; dielectric performance; low moisture absorption


Process and Application

Study on preparation and performance of polyurethane potting sealant with high thermal conductivity and high flame retardancy

LiPing1Yan Qiming2Cong Helei3

(1.School of Cable Engineering, Henan Institute of Technology, Xinxiang  453003, Henan, China; 2.Fujian Science & Technology Innovation Laboratory for Optoelectronic Information of China, Fuzhou  350108, Fujian, China; 3. Kangda New Materials (Group) Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201419, China)

AbstractThe modified alumina and modified ammonium polyphosphate were prepared by using n-hexyltrimethoxysilane (HTTS) as surface activator, which improved the dispersion of alumina and ammonium polyphosphate in polymer matrix. On this basis, the two-component polyurethane potting sealant was prepared by using polypropylene glycol and castor oil as hydroxyl components, modified alumina as thermal conductive filler, modified ammonium polyphosphate as flame retardant, polymethylene polyphenyl isocyanate as curing agent, as well as adding catalyst, defoamer, and molecular sieve. The effects of HTTS, R value, the addition of thermal conductive filler and flame retardant on the performance of polyurethane potting sealant were studied. The research results showed that when the addition amount of HTTS was 2.0% and 2.5%, respectively, the activation effect of alumina and ammonium polyphosphate was relatively excellent. When the R value was 1.15, the tensile strength of polyurethane potting sealant was 2.76 MPa, and the elongation at break was 254%. When the addition amounts of modified alumina and modified ammonium polyphosphate were 70% and 8%, respectively, the thermal conductivity of the polyurethane potting sealant was 2.11 W/(m·K), the flame retardant level reached UL-94 V0 grade, and the limiting oxygen index was 28.5%. In addition, the prepared polyurethane potting sealant had excellent stability. When stored at 50  for 30 d, the rotational viscosity of component A and component B fluctuated within a reasonable range of 18-26 Pa·s and 400-700 mPa·s, respectively. Finally, the volume resistivity of the prepared polyurethane potting sealant was 5.1×1013Ω·cm, the water absorption was 0.21%, the gel time was 49 min, and the Shore D hardness was 52. After curing, the adhesive surface was flat without bubbles, indicating that the performance of the potting sealant could meet the requirements in the field of electronic potting.

Keywordsalumina; ammonium polyphosphate; two-component polyurethane potting sealant; thermal conductivity; flame retardant


Preparation and application of one-component self-crosslinking solvent-based acrylate pressure sensitive adhesive

Zhou Lijun1,2, Liu Mingzhu2, Liu Congpeilin2, Cheng Jingxuan2, Huang Lun1,2, Yao Kun2Gong Lulu2

(1.Hubei Longzhong Laboratory, Xiangyang441138, Hubei, China; 2.Hubei Institute of Aerospace Chemical Technology, Xiangyang  441003, Hubei, China)

AbstractA kind of one-component self-crosslinking benzene-free solvent-based acrylate pressure sensitive adhesive was prepared by free radical polymerization using a self-crosslinking functional monomer N-hydroxymethylacrylamide (NMA). The effects of self-crosslinking monomer content on the peel strength, viscosity, holding power, and conversion rate of pressure sensitive adhesive were systematically studied, and the optimal amount of NMA was selected. The research results showed that when the mass fraction of self-crosslinking monomer NMA added was 0.2%, the peel strength and viscosity of pressure sensitive adhesive met the requirements, and the temperature resistance performance was excellent. The high-temperature holding time at 65  increased to 10 h, and the monomer conversion rate was high (up to 95.2%). The prepared pressure sensitive adhesive was coated on the substrate and applied to the carpet protective film. After 30 days, there was no curling phenomenon, and the solvent used was toluene-free, which had the advantages of environmental protection and low toxicity, proving that this product had certain application prospects.

Keywordsone-component; self-crosslinking; N-hydroxymethylacrylamide; acrylate; solvent-based pressure sensitive adhesive


Material Science

Studies of UV-cationic hybrid system and its application in inkjet solder resist

Liu Yuan1Yao Lu1, Liu Xiaoxuan1, Han Dong2, Liao Zhengfu1

(1. School of Materials and Energy, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou510060, Guangdong, China; 2. Shenzhen Inkbank Graphic Technology Co., Ltd. Shenzhen    518100, Guangdong, China)

AbstractInkjet printing is a relatively novel non-contact printing technology and has broad development prospects with its high efficiency, economy and environmental features in solder resist process. In this study, the curing speed, adhesion, and hardness of UV cured coating were compared, and 3,4-epoxycyclohexylformate-3',4'-epoxycyclohexylmethyl ester (TTA-21) as the cationic monomer for the hybrid system was selected from five commercially available cationic monomers.The TTA-21/1,6-hexanediol diacrylate (HDDA) hybrid system with a mass ratio of 2:3 was selected as the research object, and its reaction conversion rate, curing degree, thermal performance, thermal stability, and the application of the prepared ink in solder resist were studied. The research results showed that:  Under LED illumination, both free radical and cationic components underwent polymerization reactions. The reaction rate of the free radical system was faster and the conversion rate of the reaction was higher. The reaction rate of cationic system was slow and the conversion rate was relatively low. Continuous light exposure in a short period of time could not significantly improve the conversion rate of cationic system. Under photothermal dual curing, the degree of reaction between cationic epoxy ring opening polymerization and free radical double bond addition reaction increased, and the curing process was more thorough. The cured products of the hybrid system had two phases, but the thermogravimetric curve showed only one weight loss curve, indicating that the hybrid system may form an interpenetrating cross-linked network structure after LED heating and baking. There was a certain microphase separation structure between the epoxy component and the acrylic component, which enhanced the overall performance of the cured film. The application study showed that the prepared qualified solder resist ink had the viscosity of 8-14 mPa·s (45 ), the surface tension of around 22 mN/m, and the particle size range of 135-150 nm. Its solvent resistance, acid and alkali resistance, and solder resistance could all meet the requirements of solder resist ink.

KeywordsUV curing; cationic; hybrid system; inkjet printing; solder resist ink


Preparation and performance study of barium phenolic resin modified by KH-560

Li PanpanLiu XiaoliGao GuoshengDuan WanzeZhang Le, Zhao Jianyu

Beijing Xinfeng Aerospace Equipment Co., Ltd., Beijing 100854, China

AbstractIn order to improve the high-temperature resistance and mechanical properties of barium phenolic resin, silane coupling agent KH-560 was used to chemically modify the resin in this study. Various performance characterizations were conducted on the resin before and after modification, with a focus on the thermal stability, mechanical properties, and adhesion of the modified resin. The research results showed that, KH-560 was successfully and stably connected to the molecular chain of barium phenolic resin through chemical bonds.The optimal addition amount of KH-560 was 15%. Compared with pure barium phenolic resin, the Tmax2 of modified barium phenolic resin increased by about 25 , and the thermal performance was significantly improved.KH-560 could effectively improve the mechanical properties of barium phenolic resin. The tensile strength of barium phenolic resin modified by 15% of KH-560 increased by about 32.5%, the tensile modulus increased by about 11.7%, and the adhesion increased by about 30.4%.

KeywordsKH-560; barium phenolic resin; modification; thermal stability; tensile property; adhesion


Influence of aggregate acidic composition and temperature on asphalt/aggregate adhesion

Zhu Zhenxiang1, Wei Hui2,Fan Liang2, Wang Lin1, Li Yongzhen2

(1.Shandong High-Speed Co., Ltd., Ji’nan  250014, Shandong, China; 2.Shandong Transportation Research Institute, Ji’nan  250100, Shandong, China)

AbstractIn order to quantitatively characterize the influence of acidic composition in aggregate on asphalt/aggregate adhesion, the adsorption law of acidic component on asphalt was studied first by simulated mineral and infrared spectroscopy. Then, three types of petroleum asphalt and five types of aggregate were selected to investigate the influence mode of actual acidic components on adhesion, as well as the influence characteristics of application temperature on adhesion. The research results showed that the SiO2 content of the acidic component and the total content of SiO2+Al2O3 in actual mineral aggregate could exhibit the Logistic function relationship with the adhesion characterization parameter-spalling rate. When the SiO2 content was less than 50%, or the content of SiO2+Al2O3was less than 63%, the spalling rate of asphalt on the aggregate surface was generally less than 5%, which was the first stable zone. When the SiO2content was between 50%-73%, or the content of SiO2+Al2O3was between 63%-87%, the spalling of asphalt on the aggregate surface accelerated with the increase of acidic component content, which was a sensitive zone for adhesion. The adhesion grade of asphalt could rapidly decay from level 4 to level 3 or 2. When the SiOcontent was greater than 73%, or the content of SiO2+Al2O3 was greater than 87%, the adhesion grade of asphalt was below level 2 or level 1, which was the second stable zone. In some low-temperature climate areas, acidic aggregates such as granite could be utilized normally by using ordinary asphalt mixture design methods or with appropriate anti-spalling measures.

Keywordsasphalt adhesionaggregate mineral compositionacidic componentinfluence law

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