










(北京化工大学材料科学与工程学院,北京  100029

【摘  要】探究了不同结构的分散液对石墨烯作用力的大小,并通过显微镜和拉曼光谱对石墨烯分散液进行了相关表征,发现2-羟基萘缩水甘油醚(2-NGE)与石墨烯之间具有最强的萘环π-π相互作用。然后在1,6-二羟基萘缩水甘油醚(1,6-DNGE)中引入2-NGE悬挂链,以4,4'-二氨基二苯甲烷(DDM)为固化剂,探究内部抗塑化作用和不同浓度的2-NGE石墨烯分散液对体系的影响。研究结果表明:1,6-DNGE/2-NGE-10%-G5体系展现出了最优异的综合性能,与1,6-DNGE相比,拉伸强度、模量和冲击强度分别提高了12.74%21.67%55.74%。这些优异的性能是基于内部抗塑化体系的构建和石墨烯的良好分散性而共同实现的,证明了在极低石墨烯负载条件下(0.026 9%)实现了对高性能材料的高效利用。通过这种简便、实用的方法,实现了快速大规模制备高性能石墨烯环氧纳米复合材料。





1.广东工业大学材料与能源学院,广东省功能软凝聚态物质重点实验室,广东广州 5100062.化学与精细化工广东省试验室揭阳分中心,广东揭阳  522000

  】以2种茂铁盐(I-261I-262)作为阳离子光引发剂,成功在405 nm LED光源下实现了阳离子胶粘剂的固化。选择3种环氧类单体,即双酚A二缩水甘油醚(BADGE)、3,4-环氧环己基甲基-3,4环氧环己基甲酸酯(CE)、3,3’-[氧基双(亚甲基)](3-乙基氧杂环丁烷)DOX),研究了它们在405 nm LED光源下的光固化动力学,并研究了不同阳离子光引发剂的光引发性能、茂铁盐对不同阳离子单体的引发效率、环氧树脂的热稳定性、阳离子光固化胶粘剂的拉伸剪切性能以及后固化时间对胶粘剂拉伸剪切强度的影响。研究结果表明:确定了茂铁盐作为可见光固化胶粘剂用光引发剂的实用性,在405 nm LED光源下的引发效率均强于碘鎓盐光引发剂I-250。以BADGE作为主要单体,研究了在添加不同含量的CEDOX形成的光固化胶粘剂的拉伸剪切性能。发现在40%的添加量下,混入CEDOX的胶粘剂比BADGE本体聚合而成的胶粘剂的拉伸剪切强度分别提高了2.19倍与1.38倍,并且后固化时间的增加能够大幅提升胶粘剂的拉伸剪切强度。本研究为可见光固化的阳离子胶粘剂提供了一种切实可行的方法。




刘彩召,李帅杰,张  斌,孙明明,张绪刚,李坚辉

(黑龙江省科学院石油化学研究院,黑龙江哈尔滨  150040)

【摘  要】采用2,2-(3-氨基-4-羟基苯基)六氟丙烷和4-硝基邻苯二甲腈为原料,通过亲核取代反应制备了一种含氟元素的双氨基邻苯二甲腈树脂(FPN-p)。通过傅里叶红外光谱(FT-IR)和核磁氢谱(1H-NMR)对其化学结构进行表征,通过差示扫描量热法(DSC)FT-IR考察了树脂的固化行为,并研究了树脂的热稳定性、热机械性能以及耐湿热性能。研究结果表明:FPN-p树脂在不加促进剂的情况下可实现自催化聚合,产物结构以三嗪环和酞菁环为主;树脂的玻璃化转变温度和质量分数5%热分解温度均超过400 ℃,耐温等级较高;树脂的耐湿热性能良好,高温水煮168 h后吸水率小于1%。该树脂有望用于耐高温涂层、树脂基复合材料以及高性能胶粘剂等领域。





(中国农业大学工学院,北京  100083)

【摘  要】以端氨基液体丁腈橡胶(ATBN)和表面硅烷偶联化处理的铝粉为改性剂,制备了用于农业机械快速修复的环氧树脂胶粘剂。考察了铝粉用量、ATBN用量对胶粘剂粘接性能的影响。研究结果表明:环氧树脂胶粘剂的适用期随着铝粉的增多不断延长,随着铝粉用量或ATBN用量的不断增加,胶粘剂对铝合金的粘接强度呈现先升高后降低的趋势。当改性铝粉和ATBN用量分别为2015(相对于环氧树脂质量100份而言)时,环氧树脂胶粘剂的综合性能相对较好,其适用期为37 min,拉伸剪切强度和浮辊剥离强度分别为29.5 MPa5.4 kN/m。该胶粘剂具有优异的耐介质性能和耐热性能,不仅可用于农业机械的日常维修保养,还可用于其他领域多种金属材料和非金属材料的结构粘接。





(浙江理工大学,浙江杭州  310020

【摘  要】采用环氧树脂和丙烯酸酯类单体为原料,通过种子乳液聚合法制备了丙烯酸酯压敏胶。研究探讨了硬单体种类及含量、软单体配比、功能单体含量、引发剂含量、种子乳液含量等因素对压敏胶粘接性能的影响。研究结果表明:8种硬单体中,环氧树脂E-20的性能相对最优;当其添加量为质量分数2.5%(相对于总质量而言),软单体为丙烯酸异辛酯(2-EHA)且质量分数为35%,功能单体β-丙烯酰氧基丙酸(β-CEA)质量分数为10%,引发剂质量分数为0.5%,种子乳液质量分数为5%,缓冲剂质量分数为0.5%时,制备出的压敏胶性能较优,剥离强度为15.10 N/25 mm,持粘性大于48 h,耐溶剂性优异。




(中核华纬工程设计研究有限公司,江苏南京  210000
【摘  要】以环氧树脂、固化物、促进剂、填料和偶联剂等作为主要配制材料,以不同种类或含量混合,利用自制氧化石墨烯改性环氧树脂胶,制备建筑加固用复合环氧树脂胶。制备45#钢片试件,分别测试涂抹有胶粘剂的试件的力学指标、凝胶时间等指标,并分析不同配比的环氧树脂胶在建筑地下钢框架结构中加固作用。研究结果表明:选择主树脂E-51有助于环氧树脂胶拉伸、弯曲、压缩强度的提升,其与固化剂以75100的质量比混合时,环氧树脂胶的抗拉伸性能最佳;当固化剂、促进剂、填料的质量添加量分别为30%4%80%,并以KH-570为偶联剂时,能够有效改善环氧树脂胶的力学性能;加入质量分数为2.0%的氧化石墨烯后,复合环氧树脂胶的拉伸强度、断裂伸长率指标值最大;潮湿环境下,复合环氧树脂胶需约65 h可完全固化,剪切粘接强度稳定在20 MPa
(陕西铁路工程职业技术学院,陕西渭南  714000
【摘  要】将水泥、粉煤灰和外加防水剂等原料依照一定比例配制,制作出防水混凝土样品。测试了防水混凝土在隧道二次衬砌裂缝填补中的应用效果,研究了防水混凝土在隧道二次衬砌裂缝填补中的抗渗性、抗裂性等多种性能,同时观察干燥前后隧道二次衬砌裂缝填补中建筑材料的微观结构。研究结果表明:在隧道二次衬砌裂缝填补的应用中,粉煤灰有助于混凝土增加抗渗性,超量取代比例在15%25%之间较适合;当高水胶比时,掺入适当型号的防水剂可提高抗渗性能;当低水胶比时,混凝土无需添加防水剂;在粉煤灰取代比例相同的条件下,超量取代的混凝土具有较好的抗氯离子扩散性;粉煤灰能够避免混凝土早期开裂,且添加不同粉煤灰比例的混凝土具有开裂时间较晚、裂缝宽度较窄的特性;添加粉煤灰的混凝土微观结构呈现紧密的细针棒状钙矾石晶体,经过干燥试验后,混凝土具有较强的抗拉强度。
  1,周  2,张玉璞3,鞠华波4,严  2,孟冬玲2,邓惠敏1,唐纲岭1,陈志燕1
1.国家烟草质量监督检验中心,河南郑州  4500012.广西中烟工业有限责任公司,广西南宁  5300013.吉林省烟草质量监督检测站,吉林长春  1300624.西北烟草质量监督检测站,甘肃兰州  730030 
【摘  要】建立了同时测定水基胶中异噻唑啉酮类杀菌剂和双酚A、壬基酚、辛基酚和邻苯二甲酸酯类环境激素的方法。样品经甲醇提取后,直接进超高效液相色谱-串联质谱(UPLC-MS/MS)分析,采用同位素内标法定量。研究结果表明:所有化合物在20~500 ng/mL浓度范围内线性关系良好(R2≥0.998 3),检出限(LOD)和定量限(LOQ)分别在0.009~0.115 mg/kg0.029~0.382 mg/kg范围内;不同浓度水平下,所有待测物的回收率在84.1%~105.6%之间,日间相对标准偏差(RSD)小于8.0%;对60个实际样品进行检测,所有样品均检出异噻唑啉酮类杀菌剂,各有1个样品检出壬基酚和邻苯二甲酸二丁酯。本方法检测效率高,节约检测成本,尤其适合实验室大批量样品的日常检测。
王龙梅,姚永新,周  磊,黄昕航
(上海市质量监督检验技术研究院,上海  201114
【摘  要】采用高湿、高低温、气候和紫外辐照4种条件进行中空玻璃密封胶耐候试验。采用衰减全反射(ATR)法测试耐候试验前后密封胶的红外光谱,分析不同试验条件对中空玻璃硅酮胶、聚硫胶和聚氨酯胶红外光谱的影响。研究结果表明:4种条件耐候试验后,中空玻璃密封胶的红外光谱吸收峰位置均没有明显变化;高湿试验后,红外吸收峰强度降低,其中硅酮胶降低最明显;高低温试验后,红外光谱基本没有变化;气候试验和紫外辐照试验后,硅酮胶的红外光谱没有变化,聚硫胶主要吸收峰强度明显降低,聚氨酯胶除1 407 cm-1附近吸收峰强度降低外,其他吸收峰强度均有所增强。耐候试验后密封胶的红外光谱变化表明,3种密封胶耐高低温性能均优异,耐湿性能硅酮胶最差、聚氨酯胶最好,耐紫外辐照性能硅酮胶最好、聚硫胶最差。
(深圳市希顺有机硅科技有限公司,广东深圳  518107
【摘  要】a,w-二羟基聚二甲基硅氧烷、二甲基聚硅氧烷、增强填料、触变剂、偶联剂和催化剂为原料,加入自制的多官能遥爪低聚硅氧烷交联剂和改性硅氧烷增黏剂,制备了一款适用于光伏组件的持久性粘接的脱醇型有机硅密封胶。研究了不同种类、结构、用量的增黏剂和交联剂对脱醇型有机硅灌封胶性能的影响。研究结果表明:当a,w-二羟基聚二甲基硅氧烷为100份、二甲基聚硅氧烷为10份、R为—(OCH3)及m=4的多官能遥爪低聚硅氧烷交联剂为5份、增强填料为120份、触变剂为5份、n=4的改性硅氧烷增黏剂为2份、偶联剂为3份和催化剂为2份时,制备的脱醇型有机硅密封胶性能相对最优,具有深层固化高、粘接强度优异的特点。经过多种老化测试后仍能保持优异的粘接强度,能够满足光伏组件在苛刻环境下的持续使用,符合光伏组件密封胶的使用需求。


苗祥森,孙  莹,张雪勤
(东南大学化学化工学院,江苏南京  211189
【摘  要】低温固化导电银浆作为制备电子元器件的关键功能材料,能够在固化后拥有优异的电导率、硬度、附着力及耐弯折性等性能,已被广泛应用于电子信息工业领域。本文综述了低温固化导电银浆体系中不同形貌粒径银粉的复配、有机树脂的性质、溶剂和常见助剂对其性能的影响,并列举了该体系在导电胶领域的一些应用。展望了未来电子信息行业对低温固化导电银浆更高的应用要求。

Scientific Research Report

Preparation and properties of non-covalently modified graphene epoxy nanocomposites with naphthalene ring

Zhai NinghuiCai XiqingZhaoFuguiZhang JunyingCheng Jue

(College of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China)

AbstractThe force of dispersion with different structures on graphene was investigated, and the graphene dispersion was characterized by microscope and Raman spectroscopy. It was found that 2-hydroxynaphthalene glycidyl ether (2-NGE)  had the strongest naphthalene ring π-π interaction with graphene. Then, 2-NGE suspension chain was introduced into 1,6-dihydroxynaphthalene glycidyl ether (1,6-DNGE), and 4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane (DDM) was used as curing agent, the effect of "internal anti-plasticization" and the effect of 2-NGE graphene dispersion with different concentrations on the system were investigated. The research results showed that 1,6-DNGE/2-NGE-10%-G5 system exhibited the best comprehensive performance. Compared with 1,6-DNGE, the tensile strength, modulus and impact strength increased by 12.74%, 21.67% and 55.74%, respectively. These excellent properties were achieved based on the construction of the "internal anti-plasticization" system and the good dispersion of graphene, demonstrating that the efficient utilization of high-performance materials was realized under the condition of extremely low graphene loading (0.026 9%). Through this simple and practical method, the rapid and large-scale preparation of high performance graphene epoxy nanocomposites was achieved.

Keywordsnaphthyl epoxy; graphene; internal anti-plasticization; π-π interaction of naphthalene ring


Application of ferrocenium salt as cationic photoinitiator in adhesive

Luo Yicong1Li Zhiquan1,2, Liu Xiaoxuan1,2

1.Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Functional Soft Condensed Matter, School of Materials and Energy, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou  510006, Guangdong, China; 2.Guangdong Laboratory of Chemistry and Fine Chemical Industry Jieyang Center, Jieyang  522000, Guangdong, China)

AbstractTwo types of ferrocenium salt (I-261 and I-262) were used as cationic photoinitiators, the cationic adhesive was successfully cured under 405 nm LED light source. Three types of epoxy monomers were selected, namely bisphenol-A diglycidyl ether (BADGE), 3,4-epoxycyclohexylmethyl 3,4-epoxycyclohexanecarboxylate (CE), 3,3’-[Oxybis(methylene)]bis(3-ethyloxetane) (DOX), their photo curing kinetics were studied under 405 nm LED light source. The photoinitiation properties of different cationic photoinitiators, the initiation efficiency of ferrocenium salt on different cationic monomers, the thermal stability of epoxy resin, the tensile shear properties of cationic light-curing adhesive and the effects of post-curing time on tensile shear strength of adhesive were also investigated. The research results showed that the practicality of ferrocenium salts as photoinitiator for visible light curing adhesive was determined, their initiation efficiency was stronger than that of iodonium salt photoinitiator I-250 under 405 nm LED light source. Using BADGE as the main monomer, the tensile shear properties of photo curing adhesive formed by adding different contents of CE and DOX were studied. It was found that with the adding amount of 40%, the tensile shear strength of the adhesive mixed with CE and DOX was 2.19 times and 1.38 times respectively higher than that of the adhesive polymerized by BADGE, and the tensile shear strength of the adhesive could be significantly improved with the increase of post-curing time. This study provided a practical method for visible light curable cationic adhesive.

Keywordsferrocenium salt; visible light curable; cationic adhesive; photo curing kinetics


Synthesis and properties of fluorine-containing diaminophthalonitrile resin

Liu Caizhao, Li Shuaijie, Zhang Bin, Sun Mingming, Zhang Xugang, Li Jianhui

(Institute of Petrochemistry Heilongjiang Academy of Sciences, Harbin 150040, Heilongjiang, China)

AbstractA kind of fluorine-containing diaminophthalonitrile resin (FPN-p) was prepared by nucleophilic substitution reaction using 2,2-bis(3-amino-4-hydroxyphenyl) hexafluoropropane and 4-nitrophthalonitrile as raw materials. Its chemical structure was characterized by Fourier infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-NMR), the curing behavior of the resin was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and FT-IR, and the thermal stability, thermal mechanical properties and moisture heat resistance of the resin were also studied. The research results showed that FPN-p resin could realize autocatalytic polymerization without accelerator, and the product structure was mainly composed of triazine ring and phthalocyanine ring. The glass transition temperature and thermal decomposition temperature with 5% mass fraction of the resin both exceeded 400 , indicating a high temperature resistance level. The resin had good moisture heat resistance, the water absorption rate was less than 1% after 168 hours of high-temperature water boiling. The resin was expected to be used in fields such as high-temperature resistance coatings, resin based composites, and high performance adhesive.

Keywordsdiamino group; phthalonitrile; resin; thermal property;water absorption rate


Development of epoxy resin adhesive for agricultural machinery maintenance

Wang Donglin, Li Shouzhong

(College of Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China)

AbstractWith amino-terminated liquid acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (ATBN) and silane coupling-treated aluminum powder as modifiers, epoxy resin adhesive for quick repair of agricultural machinery was prepared. The effects of aluminum powder and ATBN dosage on the bonding properties of adhesive were investigated. The research results showed that the pot life of epoxy resin adhesive was prolonged with the increase of aluminum powder using amount. With the continuous increase of aluminum powder dosage or ATBN dosage, the bonding strength of adhesive on aluminum alloy was increased first and then decreased. When the using amount of aluminum powder and ATBN was 20 and 15 phr respectively (relative to the mass of 100 phr epoxy resin), the comprehensive performance of epoxy resin adhesive was relatively good, its pot life was 37 min, tensile shear strength and floating roll peel strength were 29.5 MPa and 5.4 kN/m respectively. The adhesive had excellent medium resistance and heat resistance, which could be used not only for daily maintenance of agricultural machinery, but also for structural bonding of various metallic and non-metallic materials in other fields.

Keywordsepoxy resin; adhesive; room temperature curing; agricultural machinery; maintenance


Preparation and properties of solvent-resistance emulsion-type acrylate pressure sensitive adhesive

Chen Jie, Pei Kemei

(Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310020, Zhejiang, China)

AbstractAcrylate pressure sensitive adhesive was prepared by seed emulsion polymerization using epoxy resin and acrylate monomer as raw materials. The effects of hard monomer type and content, soft monomer ratio, functional monomer content, initiator content and seed emulsion content on the bonding properties of pressure sensitive adhesive were studied. The research results showed that among 8 types of hard monomer, the performance of epoxy resin E-20 was relatively optimal. When its addition amount was 2.5% by mass (relative to the total mass), the soft monomer was 2-ethylhexyl acrylate (2-EHA) and the mass fraction was 35%, the mass fraction of functional monomer b-carboxyethyl acrylate (β-CEA) was 10%, the mass fraction of initiator was 0.5%, the mass fraction of seed emulsion was 5%, and the mass fraction of buffer agent was 0.5%, the prepared pressure sensitive adhesive had good performance, the peel strength was 15.10 N/25 mm, the holding power was greater than 48 h, and the solvent resistance was excellent.

Keywordsacrylate; pressure sensitive adhesive; emulsion polymerization


Development and Application

Study on reinforcement performance of modified epoxy resin adhesive in underground steel frame structure of building

Zhao Hongmei, Zhang Shipin

(China Nuclear Industry Huawei Engineering Design and Research Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210000, Jiangsu, China)

AbstractThe composite epoxy resin adhesive for building reinforcement was prepared with epoxy resin, curing compound, accelerator, filler and coupling agent as main preparation materials, mixed with different kinds or contents of them, and modified by self-made graphene oxide. 45# steel sheet specimen was prepared, and the mechanical indexes, gel time and other indexes of the specimen coated with adhesive were tested respectively, and the reinforcement effect of epoxy resin adhesive with different proportions in the underground steel frame structure of building was analyzed. The research results showed that the tensile, flexural and compressive strength of epoxy resin adhesive could be improved by selecting E-51 as main resin, and the tensile resistance of epoxy resin adhesive was the best when it was mixed with curing agent at the mass ratio of 75100. The mechanical properties of epoxy resin adhesive could be improved effectively when the mass addition amounts of curing agent, accelerator and filler were 30%, 4% and 80% respectively, and KH-570 was used as coupling agent. After adding 2.0% graphene oxide, the tensile strength and elongation at break of composite epoxy resin adhesive reached the maximum. In the humid environment, the composite epoxy resin adhesive could be fully cured after about 65 hours, and the shear bonding strength was stable at 20 MPa.

Keywordsepoxy resin adhesive; steel frame; reinforcement effect; graphene oxide; tensile resistance; shear bonding strength


Application of waterproof concrete in crack filling of tunnel secondary lining

Song Jianing, Zeng Qingwei, Wang Andong

(Shaanxi Railway Institute, Weinan 714000, Shaanxi, China)

AbstractWaterproof concrete samples were prepared by mixing cement, fly ash and waterproof agent in a certain ratio. The application effect of waterproof concrete in crack filling of tunnel secondary lining was tested,and various properties such as impermeability and crack resistance of waterproof concrete in crack filling of tunnel secondary lining were studied. At the same time, the microstructure of building materials in crack filling of tunnel secondary lining before and after drying was observed. The research results showed that in the application of crack filling of tunnel secondary lining, fly ash helped to increase the impermeability of concrete, and an excess replacement ratio between 15% and 25% was suitable. When the water cement ratio was high, adding an appropriate type of waterproof agent could improve the impermeability performance. When the water cement ratio was low, there was no need to add waterproof agent to the concrete. Under the same replacement ratio of fly ash, concrete with excessive replacement had good resistance to chloride ion diffusion. Fly ash could avoid early cracking of concrete, and concrete with different fly ash ratios had the characteristics of later cracking time and narrower crack width. The microstructure of the concrete added with fly ash exhibited dense fine needle bar ettringite crystals, the concrete had strong tensile strength after the drying test.

Keywordsfly ash; concrete; waterproof agent; crack filling; water pressure impermeability; secondary lining; crack resistance


Simultaneous determination of multiple compounds in water-based adhesive

Yang Fei1Zhou Yun2Zhang Yupu3Ju Huabo4Yan Jun2Meng Dongling2,Deng Huimin1Tang Gangling1Chen Zhiyan1

1. China National Tobacco Quality Supervision & Test Center, Zhengzhou  450001, Henan, China; 2. China Tobacco Guangxi Industrial Co., Ltd., Nanning  530001, Guangxi, China; 3. Jilin Tobacco Quality Supervision & Test Station, Changchun  130062, Jilin, China; 5. Northwest Tobacco Quality Supervision & Test Station, Lanzhou  730030, Gansu, China)

AbstractA method was developed for the simultaneous determination of isothiazolinone fungicides and environmental hormones such as bisphenol A, nonylphenol, octylphenol and phthalate in water-based adhesive. After methanol extraction, the sample was directly analyzed by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) and quantified by isotope internal standard method. The research results showed that all compounds showed good linearity (R20.998 3) within the concentration range of 20~500 ng/mL, and the limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) were in the range of 0.009~0.115 mg/kg and 0.029~0.382 mg/kg, respectively. At different concentration levels, the recovery rates of all analytes were in the range of 84.1% to 105.6%, the daytime relative standard deviation (RSD) was less than 8.0%. Sixty actual samples were tested, all samples detected isothiazolinone fungicides, and one sample each detected nonylphenol and dibutyl phthalate. This method had high detection efficiency and saved detection costs, especially suitable for routine detection of large batches of samples in the laboratory.

Keywordswater-based adhesive; ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry; bisphenol A; alkylphenol; phthalate; isothiazolinone


Influence of weathering test on infrared spectrum of insulating glass sealants

Wang Longmei, Yao Yongxin, Zhou Lei, Huang Xinhang

(Shanghai Institute of Quality Inspection and Technical Research, Shanghai 201114, China)

AbstractThe weathering test of insulating glass sealants was carried out under four conditions of high humidity, high and low temperature, climate and ultraviolet radiation. The attenuated total reflection (ATR) method was used to test the infrared spectrum of sealants before and after weathering test, the effects of different test conditions on the infrared spectrum of silicone sealant, polysulfide sealant and polyurethane sealant for insulating glass were analyzed. The research results showed that the position of infrared spectrum absorption peak of insulating glass sealants had no obvious change after four kinds of weathering test. After the high humidity test, the intensity of infrared absorption peak decreased, with silicone sealant showing the most significant decrease. After the high and low temperature test, the infrared spectrum remained basically unchanged. After the climate test and ultraviolet irradiation test, the infrared spectrum of silicone sealant did not change, the intensity of the main absorption peaks of polysulfide sealant decreased significantly, and the intensity of other absorption peaks of polyurethane sealant increased except for the decrease of intensity of the absorption peak near 1 407 cm-1. The change of infrared spectrum of sealants after weathering test showed that three sealants had excellent high and low temperature resistance, among which silicone sealant had the worst moisture resistance and polyurethane sealant had the best, meanwhile silicone sealant had the best UV radiation resistance and polysulfide sealant had the worst.

Keywordsweathering test; silicone sealant; polysulfide sealant; polyurethane sealant; infrared spectrum


Study on preparation  and properties of dealcoholized photovoltaic module sealant

Wen Renguang, Chu Saixia

Shenzhen SISUN Silicone Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen    518107, Guangdong, China

AbstractUsing a,w-dihydroxypolydimethylsiloxane, dimethylpolysiloxane, reinforcing filler, thixotropic agent, coupling agent and catalyst as raw materials, adding self-made multifunctional telechelic oligosiloxane crosslinking agent and modified siloxane tackifier, a kind of dealcoholized silicone sealant suitable for durable bonding of photovoltaic module was prepared. Different types, structures and using amounts of tackifier and crosslinking agent on the properties of dealcoholized silicone sealant were studied. The research results showed that when the mass fraction of a,w-dihydroxypolydimethylsiloxane was 100 parts, the mass fraction of dimethylsiloxane was 10 parts, the mass fraction of multifunctional telechelic oligosiloxane crosslinking agent with  R of (OCH3) and m=4 was 5 parts, the mass fraction of reinforcing filler was 120 parts, the mass fraction of thixotropic agent was 5 parts, the mass fraction of modified siloxane tackifier with n=4 was 2 parts, the mass fraction of coupling agent was 3 parts, and the mass fraction of catalyst was 2 parts, the prepared dealcoholized silicone sealant had relatively optimal performance, with high deep curing and excellent adhesive strength. After multiple aging tests, it could still maintain excellent bonding strength, which could meet the continuous use of photovoltaic module in harsh environment, meeting the application requirements of photovoltaic module sealant.

Keywordsdealcoholized sealant; photovoltaic module; tackifier; crosslinking agent; anti-aging


Special Topics and Review

Research progress on low-temperature curing conductive silver paste system

Miao Xiangsen, Sun Ying, Zhang Xueqin

(School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, Jiangsu, China)

AbstractLow-temperature curing conductive silver paste, as key functional material for the preparation of electronic components, has excellent properties such as electrical conductivity, hardness, adhesion and bending resistance after curing, and has been widely used in the field of electronic information industry. In this paper, the compounding of silver powder with different morphologies and sizes in low-temperature curing conductive silver paste system, the properties of organic resin, solvent and common additive on its properties were reviewed, some application of this system in the field of conductive adhesive was listed. The higher application requirements of low-temperature curing silver paste in future electronic information industry were prospected.

Keywordscompounding of silver powder; nano silver powder; organic resin; conductive silver paste; conductive adhesive

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