







谢乂坤,王德龙,汪进文,董春雷,孙  浩,杜官本,邓书端
(云南省木材胶黏剂及胶合制品重点实验室,西南林业大学,云南昆明  650224

  】为提高尿素-淀粉-乙二醛(USG)木材胶粘剂的性能,本研究采用乙二醛、尿素、氧化木薯淀粉和不同质量分数的环氧树脂制备了环氧树脂改性的USG树脂。对其进行了固含率、黏度、热性能测试,并用其制备三层杨木胶合板,测定了相应性能,最后对其结构特征进行表征。研究结果表明:环氧树脂的添加可增加USG树脂的固含率,但对USG树脂的黏度影响不大;差示扫描量热仪(DSC)测试表明,添加环氧树脂可以降低USG树脂的固化温度;当环氧树脂添加量为2%时,树脂的黏度达593.4 mPas,固含率为54.1%,所制备胶合板的干状剪切强度、冷水湿强度及热水湿强度分别为2.111.600.66 MPa;经过红外光谱仪(FT-IR)、X射线光电子能谱仪(XPS)、核磁共振波谱仪(NMR)等测试表明,环氧树脂的环氧基团与USG树脂长链之间发生了化学反应。


李翠玲1,2,3,蒋冬阳1,2,3,蒋学行1,3,杜  1,3
(1.河南省水利科学研究院,河南郑州  4500032.河南省科达水利勘测设计有限公司,河南郑州  4500033.河南省水利工程安全技术重点实验室,河南郑州  450003)

【摘  要】以聚醚多元醇和异氰酸酯制备了一种水工用无溶剂聚氨酯填缝材料,探讨了不同原材料配比对A组分及填缝材料力学性能的影响。研究结果表明:固体填料中白炭黑添加量在1.8%~2.2%(相对于AB组分总质量而言,下同)、碳酸钙添加量在18.5%~22.2%、粉煤灰添加量在16.3%~19.3%时,填缝材料的综合性能较好;液体填料中石油树脂添加量在4%~6%、增塑剂添加量在3%~4%之间时,填缝材料的综合性能较好;制备的水工用双组分聚氨酯填缝材料的拉伸强度≥2.0 MPa,断裂伸长率≥600%,弹性恢复率≥80%,满足了水利工程伸缩缝填缝技术的需要。


    ,唐舫成,汪加胜,杜    ,吴立霞,沈永彬,孙国星,吕    3
(1.广州鹿山新材料股份有限公司,广东  广州    5105302.澳门大学,澳门    9990783.广州市香港科大霍英东研究院,广东  广州    511458)

【摘    要】以苯乙烯嵌段共聚物(SBC)和增黏树脂为主体原料,添加马来酸酐接枝聚烯烃(PO-g-MAH)和固体蜡,改性制备得到锂电池用热熔压敏粘接材料。考察了SBC种类对抗蠕变性能、粘接性能和老化可靠性的影响,增黏树脂种类及含量对剥离强度及耐电解液可靠性的影响,PO-g-MAH改性对剥离强度及耐水可靠性的影响,还考察了固体蜡对加工性能、老化可靠性的影响。研究结果表明:SBC种类选择MAH-g-SEBS+SIS组合方式,可以使剥离力达到15.2 N(8 mm)-160 ℃持粘力达到29 h;增黏树脂可选择氢化石油树脂或萜烯树脂,质量百分比宜控制在45%~55%PO-g-MAH改性可使剥离强度提高16.0%,浸泡水后的剥离强度下降率从27.0%缩小到8.2%PA蜡可有效解决加工性不佳和拉丝问题,使材料具有较好的耐高温高湿老化性和较宽的温度适用范围。



王梦茵,田亚州,叶  状,吴广东,丁  颖,王修利,李  利,刘兰英
(北京控制工程研究所,北京  100190

【摘  要】某导电滑环产品在测试过程中存在接触电阻异常增大的问题,显微镜观察其表面存在异常的黑色磨屑。为了深入分析黑色磨屑的化学成分,揭示其污染源头,本文应用纳米红外技术(AFM-IR)研究黑色磨屑的化学成分,探讨了AFM-IR技术在航天产品非金属多余物的化学成分分析研究方法。研究结果表明:利用AFM-IR技术可以实现原位状态下对黑色磨屑的化学组成进行分析,突破了传统红外光谱技术的衍射极限,获得了纳米级的红外光谱;确定了污染最大可能来源于某绝缘胶带,并采用污染复现试验,使问题得到复现;进一步采用清洗试验对生产过程进行改进,避免了有机物污染的问题,提高了导电滑环产品的质量。




(西安导航技术研究所,陕西西安  710068

【摘  要】通过对导热绝缘胶本征性能、组成配方、印制板组件实际空间位置关系和主要球栅阵列(BGA)器件封装结构的特点进行分析,设计制作工艺试验件,进行了导热绝缘胶填充模型理论研究,探究了黏度、预热温度、填充方式和真空度等因素对填充效果的影响。经过导热绝缘胶填充系列工艺试验研究和填充围堰工装的设计优化,获取了影响填充的较佳工艺参数、填充方式及工艺流程。制作的验证样件经过断层扫描(CT)设备检测,填充空洞率小于10%。采用玻璃基BGA工艺器件实现了可视化填充工艺验证,工艺方法简便,合理可行。



邝冠昆1,刘  1,徐丽丽1,周园园1,秦  1,雪  1,辛斌杰2
(1.上海工程技术大学化学化工学院,上海  2016202.上海工程技术大学纺织服装学院,上海  201620

【摘  要】以聚己内酯二醇(PCL)、异佛尔酮二异氰酸酯(IPDI)、二甘醇(DEG)、丙烯酸-2-羟乙酯(HEA)、N-甲基二乙醇胺(MDEA)为主要原料,合成了应用于马口铁的阳离子水性聚氨酯(CWPU)涂层。探究了不同异氰酸根指数(R值)、MDEAPCL物质的量之比改变对CWPU涂层性能的影响。通过热重分析(TG)、吸水率、差示扫描量热分析(DSC)、硬度以及耐水性能等对CWPU涂层进行表征,探究了软硬段比例变化和亲水基团含量不同对涂层性能的影响。研究结果表明:MDEAPCL的物质的量之比不变的情况下,R值为1.8时,CWPU涂层的吸水率最低,综合性能相对较佳;固定R值不变为1.8,随着MDEAPCL的物质的量之比的增大,CWPU乳液的储存稳定性整体良好,CWPU涂层的硬度逐渐增大,耐水性和热分解温度均呈现先上升后减小的趋势,粒径呈现先下降后增大的趋势;当R值为1.8n(MDEA)n(PCL)3.471时,CWPU涂层的综合性能较好。


蔡耀武,李  瑶,陆瑜翀,王建斌,陶新良
(郑州圣莱特空心微珠新材料有限公司,河南郑州  450001

【摘  要】以硅烷改性聚醚树脂(MS)为主体原料,与增塑剂、空心玻璃微珠、补强填料、除水剂、偶联剂和催化剂等反应,制备了一种应用于装配式建筑领域的MS密封胶。着重探讨了空心玻璃微珠添加方式及用量对MS密封胶的密度、挤出性、导热系数的影响,并考察了密封胶的力学性能。研究结果表明:保持基础配方不变,另外添加空心玻璃微珠时,挤出性显著增加,添加量在10~15份时制得的MS密封胶性能较优;保持基础配方其他物质不变,用空心玻璃微珠替代重质碳酸钙时,用量为8~20份制得的MS密封胶性能较优。



1.青建集团股份公司,山东青岛  2660002.青建海外发展有限公司,山东青岛  266000

【摘  要】选择ABC三类贴块试样,分别涂覆1~2层含氟水性聚氨酯丙烯酸酯胶粘剂(WPUA)、醋酸乙烯-丙烯酸丁酯-丙烯酰胺(VAc-BA-AM)三元共聚乳液胶粘剂、水泥。以扫描电镜(SEM)和透射电镜(TEM)检测结果为依据,进行吸水率、阻水性、渗水性、剪切性和界面拉拔性等防水性能试验研究。研究结果表明:涂覆WPUA胶粘剂的试样吸水率显著低于涂覆水泥试样,且浸水20 d后,涂覆双层WPUAAB类贴块的吸水率仅为控制组的5.8%5.1%;涂覆双层WPUA试样在水压力0.1~0.3 MPa下,1 h内无渗水现象且应力无减弱,而涂覆双层VAc-BA-AM三元共聚乳液胶粘剂和水泥的试样均有不同程度渗水和应力减弱;涂覆三种防水粘接材料试样的抗拉性能、抗剪性能对高温敏感性大小依次为:WPUA>VAc-BA-AM三元共聚乳液胶粘剂>水泥;WPUA胶粘剂防水性能较佳,无论是在吸水率和阻水性试验、剪切试验、拉拔试验和渗水试验中,都比另外两种防水粘接材料的防水性能强,因此WPUA胶粘剂可作为防水粘接材料用在建筑表面贴块结合层。




齐锴亮1,张  2,庞占刚3
1.陕西工业职业技术学院电气工程学院,陕西咸阳  7120002.华东交通大学材料科学与工程学院,江西南昌  3300133.陕西直升机股份有限公司,陕西西安  710000

【摘  要】柔性透明导电薄膜(FTCF)是光电产业链里十分重要的材料,也是柔性显示技术的突破口。石墨烯是一种片层厚度小、理论导电性高的二维材料,且能在一定程度上匹配树脂材料的柔性特性,因此石墨烯/聚合物FTCF成为光电材料领域内的研究热点。本文综述了近年来石墨烯/聚合物FTCF的研究进展,重点讨论其关键特性、制备方法及重要应用等,并对相关研究进行了总结和展望。可以预见,随着石墨烯产业的日趋成熟及人们对柔性显示设备的需求增加,石墨烯/聚合物FTCF必将在各个领域发挥更重要的作用。



(中北大学,纳米功能复合材料山西省重点实验室,山西太原 030051

【摘  要】在木材行业中,脲醛树脂是用量最大、应用最广泛的胶粘剂,但是脲醛树脂中的甲醛挥发会对人们的居住环境造成巨大危害。一种简单有效的减少甲醛排放的方法是合成低甲醛/尿素物质的量之比的脲醛树脂。然而,低物质的量之比的脲醛树脂在固化状态下会在线性分子之间形成强烈氢键,从而形成大量的结晶区,进一步使树脂的粘接性变差。本文介绍了近年来通过阻断氢键将结晶脲醛树脂转化为非晶态聚合物的研究进展,实现了提高树脂粘接性的同时降低甲醛挥发量的目的。



(东华大学应用化学系,上海    201620

【摘     要】综述了近几年耐高温聚酰亚胺(PI)胶粘剂的研究和应用进展,总结了PI胶粘剂的结构特点、分类、改性及其功能性的发展状况。重点介绍了将挠性基导入到PI主链、体系中加入单体共聚等PI胶粘剂的结构改性以及环氧树脂、聚氨酯、碳纳米管、环氧树脂改性PI等有机/无机改性PI胶粘剂的研究进展。最后对高性能PI胶粘剂在工业上的应用前景作了展望。



Scientific Research Report

Structure and properties of urea-starch-glyoxal resin reinforced by epoxy resin
Xie Yikun, Wang Delong, Wang Jinwen, Dong Chunlei, Sun Hao, Du Guanben, Deng Shuduan
(Yunnan Key Laboratory of Wood Adhesives and Glue Products, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, Yunnan, China)

AbstractIn order to improve the properties of urea-starch-glyoxal (USG) wood adhesive, epoxy resin-modified USG resin was prepared by using glyoxal, urea, oxidized cassava starch and epoxy resins with different mass fractions. The solid content, viscosity and thermal properties were tested, and three-layer poplar plywood was prepared with it, the corresponding properties were measured, and finally its structural characteristics were characterized. The research results showed that the addition of epoxy resin could increase the solid content of USG resin, but it had little effect on the viscosity of USG resin. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) test showed that the curing temperature of USG resin could be reduced by adding epoxy resin. When the addition amount of epoxy resin was 2%, the viscosity of the resin reached 593.4 mPa∙s, the solid content was 54.1%, and the dry shear strength, cold water wet strength and hot water wet strength of the prepared plywood were 2.11, 1.60 and 0.66 MPa, respectively. Infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (13C-NMR) tests showed that there occurred a chemical reaction between the epoxy group of epoxy resin and the long chain of USG resin.

Keywordsurea-starch-glyoxal resin; epoxy resin; wood adhesive; structure and property


Preparation and properties of solvent-free polyurethane joint-sealing material for hydraulic engineering
Li Cuiling1,2,3, Jiang Dongyang1,2,3, Jiang Xuexing1,3, Du Ming1,3
(1.Henan Provincial Water Conservancy Research Institute, Zhengzhou 450003, Henan, China; 2.Henan Keda Water Conservancy Survey and Design Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou  450003, Henan, China; 3.Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Safety Technology of Henan, Zhengzhou  450003, Henan, China)

AbstractA kind of solvent-free polyurethane joint-sealing material for hydraulic engineering was prepared with polyether polyol and isocyanate, and the effects of different raw material ratios on the mechanical properties of component A and joint-sealing material were studied. The research results showed that in the solid fillers, when the addition amount of silica was 1.8%-2.2% (relative to the total mass of components A and B, the following was the same), the addition amount of calcium carbonate was 18.5%-22.2%, and the addition amount of pulverized fuel ash was 16.3%-19.3%, the comprehensive performance of joint-sealing material was relatively excellent. In the liquid fillers, when the addition amount of petroleum resin was between 4% to 6%, and the addition amount of plasticizer was between 3% to 4%, the comprehensive performance of joint-sealing material was relatively excellent. The tensile strength of the prepared two-component polyurethane joint-sealing material for hydraulic engineering was not less than 2.0 MPa, the elongation at break was not less than 600%, and the elastic recovery rate was not less than 80%, which could meet the needs of the expansion joint-sealing technology of hydraulic engineering.

Keywordspolyurethane; deformation joint; joint-sealing material; solvent-free; anti-seepage


Study on reliability of hot melt pressure sensitive adhesive material for lithium battery
Gao Jie1, Tang Fangcheng1, Wang Jiasheng1Du Zhuang1, Wu Lixia1, Shen Yongbin1Sun Guoxing2, Lyu Dong3
(1.Guangzhou Lushan New Materials Co., Ltd., Guangzhou   510530, Guangdong, China; 2.University of Macau, Macau   999078, China; 3.Guangzhou HKUST Fok Ying Tung Research Institute, Guangzhou    511458, Guangdong, China)

AbstractHot melt pressure sensitive adhesive material for lithium battery was prepared with styrene block copolymer (SBC) and tackifying resin as the main raw materials, and adding maleic anhydride grafted polyolefin (PO-g-MAH) and solid wax. The effects of SBC type on creep resistance, bonding property and aging resistance, the effects of tackifying resin type and content on peel strength and electrolyte resistance reliability, the effects of PO-g-MAH modification on peel strength and water resistance reliability, and the effects of solid wax on processing performance and aging reliability were all investigated. The research results showed that the combination mode of MAH-g-SEBS and SIS was selected as the SBC type, which could make the peel strength reach 15.2 N(8 mm)-1 and the holding power reach 29 h at 60 . Hydrogenated petroleum resin or terpene resin could be selected as tackifying resin, and the mass ratio should be controlled within 45%-55%. PO-g-MAH modification could increase the peel strength by 16.0%, and the decrease rate of peel strength after soaking in water was reduced from 27.0% to 8.2%. PA wax could effectively solve the problem of poor processability and wire drawing, so that the material had good resistance to high temperature and high humidity aging, and had a wide range of temperature for application.

Keywordslithium battery; hot melt pressure sensitive adhesive material; peel strength; aging resistance


Study on chemical composition of nonmetallic residue in conductive slip ring based on nano infrared technology
Wang Mengyin, Tian Yazhou, Ye Zhuang, Wu Guangdong, Ding Ying, Wang Xiuli, Li Li, Liu Lanying
Beijing Institute of Control Engineering, Beijing  100190, China

AbstractThe contact resistance of a conductive slip ring product increased abnormally during the test, and there were abnormal black debris on its surface observed by microscope. In order to deeply analyze the chemical composition of black wear debris and reveal its contamination source, the chemical composition of black wear debris was studied by using nano infrared technology (AFM-IR), and the application of AFM-IR technology in the analysis of chemical composition of nonmetallic residue of aerospace product was discussed. The research results showed that the chemical composition of black debris could be analyzed in-situ by using AFM-IR technology, which broke through the diffraction limit of traditional infrared spectroscopy technology and obtained nano infrared spectroscopy. The most possible source of contamination was determined from an insulating tape, and the contamination recurrence test was used to make the problem reappear. Furthermore, the cleaning test was used to improve the production process, which avoided the problem of organic contamination and improved the quality of conductive slip ring product.

Keywordsnano infrared technology (AFM-IR); conductive slip ring; contact resistance; contamination detection; cleaning


Development and Application

Research on microspace filling process of thermal insulation adhesive at bottom of BGA
Zhang ShengZhang ChenhuiLiu ZhidanJin Xing
(Xi’an Research Institute of Navigation Technology, Xi′an710068, Shaanxi, China)

AbstractBy analyzing the intrinsic properties of thermal insulation adhesive, composition formula, the actual spatial position relationship of printed circuit board assembly and the characteristics of main ball grid array (BGA) device packing structure, the process test pieces were designed and manufactured, the theoretical research on the filling model of thermal insulation adhesive was carried out, and the effects of viscosity, preheating temperature, filling mode and vacuum degree on the filling effect were explored. After a series of process test and research on thermal insulation adhesive filling and the design optimization of filling cofferdam tooling, the optimized process parameters, filling mode and process flow affecting the filling were obtained. The prepared verification sample was tested by computed tomography (CT) scan, and the filling void rate was less than 10%. The visualization filling process verification was realized by adopting the glass-based BGA process device, and the process method was simple, reasonable and feasible.

Keywordsthermal insulation adhesive; BGA device; cofferdam tooling; bottom filling; void rate; visualization


Preparation and properties of cationic waterborne polyurethane coating
Kuang Guankun1Liu Yan1, Xu Lili1, Zhou Yuanyuan1,Qin Ying1Xue Meng1, Xin Binjie2
(1.School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai201620, China; 2.School of Textiles and Fashion, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai  201620, China)

AbstractCationic waterborne polyurethane (CWPU) coating applied to tinplate was synthesized by using polycaprolactone diol (PCL), isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI), diethylene glycol (DEG), 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate (HEA) and N-methyl diethanolamine (MDEA) as main raw materials.The effects of different isocyanate index (Rvalue) and the mass ratio of MDEA to PCL on the properties of CWPU coating were investigated. The CWPU coating was characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TG), water absorption, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), hardness and water resistance, and the effects of the ratio of soft and hard segments and the content of hydrophilic groups on the coating properties were explored. The research results showed that when the mass ratio of MDEA to PCL was constant and the Rvalue was 1.8, the water absorption of CWPU coating was the lowest and the comprehensive performance was relatively good. Fixing the R value to 1.8, with the increase of the mass ratio of MDEA to PCL, the storage stability of CWPU emulsion was generally good, the hardness of CWPU coating increased gradually, the water resistance and thermal decomposition temperature both showed a trend of increasing first and then decreasing, and the particle size showed a trend of first decreasing and then increasing. When the R value was 1.8 and n(MDEA):n(PCL) was 3.471, the comprehensive performance of CWPU coating was excellent.

Keywordscationic waterborne polyurethane; R value; n(MDEA)n(PCL) ratio; tinplate coating; performance characterization


Study on influence of hollow glass bead on properties of silane-modified polyether sealant
Cai Yaowu, Li YaoLu Yuchong, Wang Jianbin,Tao Xinliang
Zhengzhou Hollowlite Materials Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou  450001, Henan, China

AbstractUsing silane-modified polyether resin (MS) as the main raw material, and reacting with plasticizer, hollow glass bead, reinforcing filler, dehydrating agent, coupling agent and catalyst, a kind of MS sealant used in the field of prefabricated building was prepared. The influence of the adding method and amount of hollow glass bead on the density, extrudability and thermal conductivity of MS sealant was emphatically discussed, and the mechanical properties of the sealant were also investigated. The research results showed that keeping the basic formula unchanged, when adding hollow glass bead, the extrudability was significantly increased, and the MS sealant performance was relatively excellent when the adding amount was 10-15 phr. Keeping the other substances unchanged in the basic formula, when using hollow glass bead to replace heavy calcium carbonate, the MS sealant performance was relatively excellent with the using amount of 8-20 phr.

KeywordsMS sealant; hollow glass bead; density; extrudability; thermal conductivity


Study on waterproof performance of adhesive bonding layer on building surface
Lin Yonghua1,2
(1.Qingjian Group Co., Ltd., Qingdao 266000, Shandong, China; 2.Qingjian Overseas Development Co., Ltd., Qingdao  266000, Shandong, China)

AbstractThree types of patch samples, i.e. A, B and C were selected and coated with 1-2 layers of fluorine-containing waterborne polyurethane acrylate adhesive (WPUA), vinyl acetate-butyl acrylate-acrylamide (VAc-BA-AM) ternary copolymerized emulsion adhesive and cement, respectively. Based on the results of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the water absorption, water resistance, water permeability, shearing properties and interface pull-out properties were investigated.The research results showed that the water absorption rate of the sample coated with WPUA adhesive was significantly lower than that of the sample coated with cement, and after immersion in water for 20 days, the water absorption rate of the A and B patch coated with double-layer WPUA was only 5.8% and 5.1% of the control groupUnder the water pressure of 0.1-0.3 MPa, the sample coated with double-layer WPUA had no water seepage and the stress was not weakened within 1 h, while the sample coated with double-layer VAc-BA-AM ternary copolymerized emulsion adhesive and cement had different degrees of water seepage and stress reduction.The sensitivity of tensile properties and shear properties of the sample coated with three waterproof adhesive materials to high temperature was in the following order: WPUA>VAc-BA-AM ternary copolymerized emulsion adhesive>cement. The waterproof performance of WPUA adhesive was better than that of other two waterproof bonding materials in water absorption and water resistance test, shear test, pull-out test and water seepage test. Therefore, WPUA adhesive could be used as the waterproof bonding material for building surface bonding.

Keywordsbuilding surface patch; WPUA adhesive; bonding layer; waterproof performance


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