Polyurethane adhesive for windshield applications
United States Patent(美国专利号):8512506
Abstract: An automotive windshield replacement method which includes: a) applying an adhesive to an automotive windshield and/or an automobile body substrate, said adhesive including at least one urethane prepolymer formed from reaction materials including: i) isophorone diisocyanate and/or 4,4'-diphenylmethanediisocyanate; ii) an ethylene oxide-end-capped triol having a weight average molecular weight of about 4500 to about 5000; and iii) hexanediol adipate; b) contacting the substrates together, within the working time of the adhesive, along at least a portion of the substrate(s) to which the adhesive has been applied; and c) allowing the adhesive to bond the substrates together.
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